• Reasonable Service

    It is ironic that our reasonable service to God is to present our bodies as a living sacrifice when we cannot even find the strength to sacrifice a cookie. Jesus wants us to see, we are worth far more than that cookie. Our eyes long for stuff we shouldn’t have yet we let our eye have what it longs for. Salvation doesn’t come from a cookie or whatever our eye longs for. It comes by the grace of God as a gift. Given to us before we are born. We are marked out for salvation. This is something the devil prowls around stealing. What he steals most is the helmet of salvation we are supposed to wear every day, so your mind can wander freely into the world. He wants us to get our minds off of the things of heaven and put them into the things of the world. BUT God will give your eyes understanding and enlighten you with the hope of His calling for your life.

    You are chosen by God to be who you are right now and do what you should do right now. The more you understand the more you will praise God and the more you will discover all of those who belong in your nation, the Kingdom of God. You will have people reigning over you appointed by God but the Lord reigns over all of them including you. Peace will come knowing He is in complete control even over the government. The government has what they need. We have what we need because the all sufficient God reigns. His sufficiency gives us life and we are to give life to others by allowing our God to reign.

    Your Biblical Direction: Look around you to see all the people that God is moving into place, so you will have what you need and understand what you will understand. God will open the eyes of your understanding when you ask. He wants that you understand everything He is doing. Look and see Him in everything, good and bad, lovely and sorrowful, it all is from God just for you.

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  • Eyes for Jesus Alone

    We started the week off with a call to read Ecclesiastes because a word spoken in due time is refreshing to the soul. Solomon lists all the things life can offer us, then he tells us that it is all vanity because it all leads to death. Living for the Lord gives us life not the stuff we see. When we are living for Christ, bearing one another’s burdens is much easier to do. Giving our burdens to Christ lightens our load and helps us to fulfill the law of Christ which is, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    The knowledge of the Holy One is the most important part of giving our burdens to Jesus Christ. If we do not understand that He can carry the burden, we will not give it too Him. How will we know that except to know Him? When you know Him better your mind will be filled with psalms and hymns that you can speak over your brethren. Doing this gets yourself and others ready for the wedding.

    Speaking of the wedding, did you know that “The Word of God” is actually the name of Jesus and not the name of the Bible. The Bible is profitable for us, but it is not to take the place of Jesus. Jesus is the Word and He is powerful beyond measure. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and He cuts down to the marrow using Words. We are going to disappear like grass, but Jesus will still be alive. If you are hearing any other gospel than this, you are being lied too. Get yourself ready because He is coming.

    Your Biblical Direction this week: Get your eyes off of the world and put them on Jesus. Follow Him wherever He is.

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  • Take Ownership

    It takes saying something good ten time before someone will own it. We have been good desensitized by the time we are adults. Girls by the time they are in seventh grade. Why do we batter each other so easily and find it so hard to encourage each other. Jesus doesn’t find it hard at all. He owned who He was. Why can’t we own who we are?

    First, I want to tell you, the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29). He called the Israelites as His own but has given them over to sin for our sake so that for their sake He can save them, again. Go through the Bible and see how many times Jesus has made a promise and kept it. How many prophecies have been fulfilled. Jesus took ownership of those prophecies.

    Is the Devil watching You?

    Does the Devil has something to fear from you daily? If the answer is, “NO” then you are not a disciple of Jesus either. Disciples of Jesus are being watch by the devil. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us to be sober and vigilant because the Devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. They know the Devil roars around like a lion against us but they have the Lion of Judah on their side. His teeth are bigger and fiercer. Followers of Jesus take ownership of this.

    Is your Fruit meant to Last?

    The gifts and the calling of God are meant to produce fruit. Have you owned the fact that you need to be fruitful? We are designed to produce fruit that lasts by Jesus. Jesus told us that He chose you and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain (John 15:16). The fruit that remains is the Fruit of the Spirit. Long after you give someone $5.00, they will remember how much you loved them. Your kindness toward them will be remembered. That is the fruit that lasts. Followers of Jesus take ownership of this.

    Ownership is not about pride. It is about knowing who you are in Christ. He has given you many gifts and called you to do a job for Him. You will be incapable of doing the job if you never take ownership of the gifts he has given you to complete that job. Read Psalm 91 and own it. David was just a man, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Moses all men who took ownership of who God said they were. As a result, they did great things for God. What great things has God called you too? Take ownership of them.

  • Scheduled Amendments

    What do you do when Jesus wants you to amend your current schedule of events? Do you say to the Lord, “Wait just a  minute. I need to do this, or that, first.” Or do you just ignore Him. Read this story – Matthew 21:28-32

    We cannot know the story from before these events but we know a snippet in time. The Father interrupted their current life and told them to go work in the field. For us the field is our ministry. We could be out plowing one field and Jesus interrupts us. He tells us to go work in another field. You may have worked there before and failed. You may have worked there before and left. You may never have worked there before at all. How do you deal with this change of venue?

    I am in this situation as we speak. I have been plowing a field Jesus gave me since I was a baby Christian. He has now sent me to another field; one that He has been preparing me for, now that I think about it. He has been preparing my mind for a couple of year and my husbands. BUT I did not go without saying “no” first. I am still trying to wrap my head around the residual. What do I do with this, and that, and them?

    I am clear that as a Christian, I have two objectives: find Jesus and follow Him. This is the first time He has made Himself so clear to me that He is easy to find. He has affirmed my field many times since He sent me, even after I said an emphatic, “NO!” While I was learning in one field, He was preparing this other field for me. He has put a joy in me to harvest in this field.

    Is Jesus sending you into a new field? What have you said to Him? Have you refused Him and stood your ground? Have you refused Him but going anyway? The Lord of the Harvest is calling you to His field. Don’t waste one moment disobeying Him. His field is ripe for the harvest and the Father is sending workers. Are you going to be one of them? Go with Jesus on a scheduled amendment. Your life will always be filled with abundance because of it.

  • Leading Yourself IN Success Part 5

    Be The Doer

    If you read the Gospels you have found that Jesus went. He didn’t stay in Nazareth for the people to come to Him. He travelled all over Galilee. When we go to Israel in May of 2019 we will go where He went by bus. It will be a packed trip imagine if we were walking every place He walked. The amazing thing about the distance He traveled is how far He went to show people He cares. There was not one person in all of Israel that did not know about Jesus, whether they needed a compassionate hand or not.

    Be a Doer

    James, the brother of Jesus, tells us in James 1:22 to be doers of the word rather than just hearers. The whole chapter is filled with information we can all use. We have talked about changing our mindset to that of Jesus but changing our mind is useless if we never put those new thoughts into action. Putting those new thoughts into action requires us to find out exactly who we are in Christ.

    The Leading Yourself IN Success Workshop

    The second half of Leading Yourself IN Success is called Success Takes Root IN your Actions. They are how we get to the place we are needed. They are how we get into the position to plant seeds for God to grow. We cannot expect people to come to us all the time.

    Your Deeds have Roots

    How you perform your deeds is rooted in how you think but what you do also takes root in the way other people think as well. If you are expecting people will always come to you, you are allowing them to think you are only serving self. When you go to them, you are showing them, through your actions, that you care about them. You can meet people half way as well. I do a women’s retreat, not in my home town, but in another town. I go and so do they.

    Take an Inventory

    We sometimes think that our works are where we are but they are not, they are where the work is, where the people are we are to serve, where the need is. Where is that for you? Do you know? Now, is a good time to find out. The summer is here, when all the activities you are involved in are on hold. Do an inventory of your activities to see if they are for serving the Kingdom or serving yourself.

    You can also get to know you better by doing a Spiritual Gifts Assessment in your down time to find out what God has gifted you with, then revisit your inventory again. The summer is not just a good time to spend time with family and friends. It is a good time to spend time with self and with Jesus too. No one knows you better than He does. He will direct your path to become a doer of His Word.

  • Leading Yourself IN Success Part 4

    From Ponder to Action

    We always spend a lot of time talking about how we think because Proverbs 4:23 is the truth. Out of your heart spring the issues of life. The point of that is not to let what is in your mind show present itself your actions unless it is of Christ. Guarding your heart means taking those thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ before you act on them. This is a deliberate action taken every minute of the day. You commit to setting your mind on Jesus and renew your commitment every single day, every single hour, every single minute and every single second.

    The commitment will only work if you are replacing your nopeful thoughts with hopeful ones. I hope that last week you tested out the waters. Did you attempt to at least recognize your nopeful thoughts (hopeless thoughts). The way to do that is to tag them as hopeless. Name them hopeless. Ask yourself if there is any hope within that thought, anywhere? If the answer is no, take it into captivity because it is hopeless and not worthy of any of your time.

    There is hope for everyone including you. Your nopeful thoughts are robbing you of any hope that you thought you had.  And those thoughts will continue to rob you of any future hope you will have. There is no sense in going forward in our discussions unless we deal with this. Are you ready?

    I have told you this before, but it bears repeating – hopeless thoughts will not go away until you make them hopeful. A couple of examples might help here then we will move to how to transform them. What do you think when you look in the mirror. Just yesterday I said to my husband, “My old thought of my ugliness snuck its way into my brain.” I was getting ready to go out for dinner with my kids and my hubby when I looked in the mirror and saw ugly. I quickly changed that to my favourite saying, “You look like Jesus.” And walked away. I hadn’t seen that ugly thought in months. It took me years to get rid of it and I am not going there again. What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror? You know you are created in the image of God, right? Then say, “Hello, Jesus.” when you look in the mirror.

    What do you say to yourself when you get dressed? I have spent probably $50,000-$100,00, over my lifetime on clothes to make up for my face. I now buy what I like to wear. The problem with all of us is that we are so hung up on what other people say and think that we forget what we like. Who has God created us to be? Did He create us to be carbon copies of someone else? Certainly not!

    So, let us get into how we are going to change our thinking. We know we all think bad thoughts at one time or another but what we really need is to NEVER camp on them. You will need to come up with a phrase, sentence or word that will instantly work to snap you out of that hopeless thought. When I started doing this for myself, I said, “Now, stop that!” this sentence was long enough for me because I was VERY dedicated to changing the way I think. You might need a longer sentence because it takes a few minutes to change your thinking. Your brain wants to go back to that bad thought but don’t let it. A lengthy sentence will help you leave that bad thought and switch it to a good one. You could memorize a verse, such as, Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:8 or make up your own sentence like I did. No matter what you choose to do you must do the same thing each time.

    I cannot say this enough. Your brain will begin to recognize your BUZZ WORDS. It will be like pressing on a buzzer for your brain each time. It will learn what to do and you will be successful at modifying, transforming and thinking on good things rather than bad things. Now, go take a few minutes to pray about what you are going to do. Write out what you are going to say and make sure it is buried in your brain.

    You will not regret the work you have done to make this happen in your life. The Lord wants us to have a sound mind, so we can do the things He wants us to do. A sound mind comes from taking the hopeless thoughts captive and transforming them into hopeful thoughts that last. They will not get in the way of our decision making or our problem solving. When you ponder your thoughts and act on the ones Jesus wants you to act on your fruit will last for all of eternity.

  • Leading Yourself IN Success Part 3

    If you think you CANNOT you WILL NOT

    The issue with thinking badly is that you think yourself out of doing the things God wants you to do. There are so many scary things Jesus asks us to do and unless we are thinking appropriately we will refuse to do them. The problem with that is the people Jesus is sending us to help will not get the help they need. Can you risk that?

    The other problem with refusing to do what Jesus has asked you to do is you forgo the abundant life He has promised you when you obey Him. When you forgo the abundant life you will also bring others down with you. You believe you cannot do the things God has asked you to do and you are not afraid to tell people God is asking you to do too much. He is putting undo pressure on you to perform. Immature Christians will believe that and disobey God so He doesn’t ask them to do what they are not capable of doing.

    You can as long as YOU THINK YOU CAN

    Before we discuss this, I THINK I CAN, concept I want you to know that Jesus will not ask you to do something He has not gifted to do. I love kids as long as their moms are with them. I have four of my own and I don’t want to work with kids. I can do odd jobs like be a clowning for a couple of hours but no more than that. I am a hit and run child entertainer. I know this. I always say “NO” when someone invites me to work with kids longer than two hours, more than once per year.

    With that said, how hard is it for you to think you can do something Jesus is asking you to do? What Jesus is asking you to do is for Him but will improve your life. He asks you to change your thinking because you will not do what He wants you to do otherwise. The way we think has a huge impact on our life and on our witness to those Jesus sends to us.

    Nopeful to Hopeful Thinking

    You are capable of doing everything Jesus asks you to do because He is training you to do what He is sending you to do. He will not send you to speak to someone unless He gives you the words. He will not send you to do a work unless you are capable of doing it. His goal in asking you to work for Him is to give you hope and to give others hope. Yes, he does say no to you but it is because there is not hope for you in that direction.

    In the Leading Yourself IN Success Workshop the third session “Nopeful to Hopeful Thinking” I will talk about sixteen different ways we think. Your goal in this session is to stop thinking “you cannot” and begin thinking “you can.” That is the only way you can gain the abundant life. As long as you open your mind to recognizing your nopeful thoughts, you will be able to swap them out with thoughts that are hopeful.

    Pursuing Biblical Direction

    On my podcast this week (Episode 18) I will discuss three of the sixteen “Nopeful” ways of thinking. What I don’t say in that is that a buzz word needs to be used to stop yourself from thinking nopefully and shock yourself into thinking hopefully. This week watch that podcast and know the three nopeful ways of thinking and begin to recognize them in yourself. Then when you begin recognizing them come up with a way to stop doing them. In Nopeful to Hopeful Thinking we will come up with a phrase or a word that will stop you in your tracks and help you reverse your direction.

    When I first started doing this my phrase was “You better stop that!” My phrase was long enough for me to get out of the nopeful thinking but short enough to say it quickly. Now, then years later, I just say “Stop!” The goal is to stop yourself from thinking and change the direction of the thought.

    You can do it

    When you are living your life, this week watch out for the Nopeful Thoughts you have. If you journal, write them down. If you have a smart phone, create a note, and write it down. You do know your thoughts are not good but what you don’t know is how to stop it. You cannot stop what you do not know you are doing. Know what you are thinking, and you will be able to stop it. You can definitely to this.

    Email me with any questions or if you want to just talk about something you are perplexed about working out. I will first off read you Scripture then I will give you the benefit of the wisdom I have gained by walk through my problems with Jesus. I saw a cup at my book signing yesterday that said, “Don’t tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is.” Nough said…

  • Leading Yourself IN Success Part 2

    A Dream Just for You

    Have you stopped dreaming about a future of goodness and joy? Why? Why would you just stop dreaming? Dreaming about our future is natural even for those who follow Jesus. Dreams are not just for the unsaved they are for the saved too. One of the things we can dream about is the task Jesus has given us in the body of Christ.

    We have six areas in our life that need our attention to be good. If we want joy in these areas, we need to dream about the future of them. I want to look at each area individually then encourage you to dream big in them.

    Area One: Personal Development

    Our growth in Christ and in our life is imperative for us to mature in every area. If we do not grow, we will not advance into our definition of success. Success depends on our growth. Maturing in the Word of God is part of this personal growth. More imperative is that you learn about what it is that He is asking you to do. One thing we need to get used to is constant learning all the way through life. When you stop learning you are going backwards.

    Area Two: Career

    It is a well-known fact that we will change careers although there is something that you love to do so much that you would do it for free. You need to figure this out and learn how to make money doing it. If you learn how to do that you will never work a day in your life.

    Area Three: Financial

    Shakespeare wrote in Hamel, “Neither a lender nor borrower be.”  Both of these cause us to fall in love with money or fear people because of money. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). Balance your check book and you will have a balanced life.

    Area Four: Social

    Many a woman has put her social life ahead of everything else. The extrovert craves her social life. She thinks being social rejuvenate her battery but being with Jesus does that. People cannot give you everything you need but Jesus can. He can make you feel all the things those people are making you feel but He doesn’t want anything in return. Your family and friends will appreciate it when you curb your social life.

    Area Five: Family

    We are not born to our friends we are born to our family. Your family life might not be all that you want it to be, but you can make it better in the sphere that you live in. Family is what you make it so make it what you crave it to be.  Family does not have to be limited to those folks who share you blood. It is who you want it to be.

    Area Six: Physical

    Every one of us wants to live a good long life but you will not if you choose to ignore your body. We need to get our body under submission and stop giving it the bad things it craves. Sugar products are addictive just as drugs are addictive. We all know that so why do we continue eating them? Because we refuse to say ‘no’ to our body. You are more than capable of making your body come into submission.

    Dreaming is a good thing, but do you dream about each area of your life? Are your dreams balanced or are you dreaming more about your career because it will help you finances?  Are you dreaming about your physic thinking you will have a more balanced family life?

    Dreaming in one area will not fix another area. You must have dreams in each area of your life. They may cross paths, but they won’t fix the problems they come across. Dreaming about having a great family life will not happen if you are going out every night with your friends. Dreaming about having a great job will not fix you finances because you have no idea how to manage money. Can you see the issue when your dreams are unbalanced?

    Dreaming is a good thing when you act on the validity of them. Dreaming invalid dreams is fine too as long as they remain dreams. Your life would be dead without dreams. Your life would be dull without dreams. Your life would be stagnant without dreams. Dream until your heart is content but don’t just dream, act on them if you deem it feasible.

    Session three of the Leading Yourself IN Success is Dream Your Life. You will create a Dream Collage to help you sharpen your dreams and dig them out of the pit as well. If I do say so myself this session is the most fun of all the sessions and the most enlightening. You have no idea how many dreams you have stifled until you try to dig them out. No one in your life wants you to be dreamless because your dreams will include an abundant life for you and them. I invite you to join the Leading Yourself IN Success Workshop in the fall of 2018.



  • Leading Yourself IN Success Part 1

    A Different Definition of Success

    Spread the news! Success is defined by Jesus Christ not by man. We will work for the next five weeks, on this blog, and on the Pursuing Biblical Direction podcasts redefining success. At the end of this time period, you will understand what success means to and for the Kingdom of God.  Why are we afraid of success? Is it the work, the courage you need, the world and all of its goods, the time it takes, the amount of planning required or is it just that word itself? What is it that makes you afraid to go after success in your life?

    I have days when I don’t feel successful, no matter what I have accomplished. I feel like I am in a whirlwind of shame, guilt and depression. I want to give up on everything I am doing, and just live as if I have nothing to do but breath. Inside of me is changing but everything I see on the outside is the same as it was yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last decade. My life has not changed one iota. I feel very unsuccessful. There are those days.

    I have days when I think everything I am doing has been successful and will lead to greater success. I feel like I am at my peak of success but know there is more waiting for me. I have hope that Jesus will do everything He says He will do in my life.  I dream of being in the middle of my success therefore it is real to me in my dream but not in life as of yet. All is good in the world. There are those days.

    I have days when neither one of these matter. Life is good today and I don’t care about tomorrow or yesterday. Whatever happens, happens. My life is on track, today, and we will just see about tomorrow. I can deal with tomorrow when it comes and forget what happens yesterday. I am happy and content with who I am and where I am. There are those days.

    Which day do you think I am the most successful? Can you believe, every single one of them? We are Christians who have the hope of Jesus Christ. He leads us each and every day. What does success mean to Him? Proverbs 3:5-6 gives us our first clue and most important aspect of success. “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.”

    Obedience to God is the definition of success, no matter how big or small. My obedience to Him is how I should gage success. It is how He gages success. Proverbs 3:5-6 is going to be our mantra for the next five weeks because everything we are going to learn is covered inside this small but powerful sentence. You will know you have been successful, when you meet Jesus, and He says to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” (Matthew 25:21) If your definition of success matched God’s definition, this is your hope.

    I feel unsuccessful at times because I cannot see the result of the work I am doing. The question is not, “How do I feel?” It is, “Am I following Jesus?” Am I being obedient to Him? This is how you can gage whether you are successful or not. This is good information because what you have, what you have done and where you are in your desires, has no bearing on success. Obedience to Jesus Christ is what success looks like for a Christian. If you are obeying Him each and every day you are successful.

    Obedience doesn’t have to be Jesus constantly telling you what to do every minute of the day. It is you obeying what He has told you to do every single day. An example would be speeding. Jesus told me many years ago to get my speeding under control. Even though that was many years ago does that count for obedience today? Absolutely. Should I speed, I am disobeying God’s directive to me to quit speeding. None of us have to be in constant communication with God to be in, or out of obedience. If Jesus told you to stop doing something that you are still doing today – you are in disobedience to God. This is why you do not feel successful.

    I forget “success” is not about His vision for my future, it is about my daily obedience to Him. I have to believe I am successful because I am in obedience to God, today. I have to stop looking at what I think I should have and start looking at what I am successfully doing for Him. What I am doing will have an impact on the people around me. What I am doing has an impact on ME. What you are doing will have an impact on the people around you. What you are doing will have an impact on YOU.

    I have successfully changed my definition of success. I will continue to speak about success and teach you everything I know, so you are successful at changing your definition as well.  This is all within the scope of working out your salvation. The Father was successful raising our Saviour to life and He will be successful raising you to life too in Jesus Christ. Do you have this hope? Are you doing EVERYTHING Jesus has directed you to do?

    Success depends on our definition of success. Our mission here, on earth, is to teach people of this hope in Jesus Christ to live an abundant life. To accomplish that mission you must have the hope yourself. The success of His mission is contingent on your hope first. Then, when you have it, you can spread it. The Leading Yourself IN Success Workshop is how I am spreading that news. How will you spread it? You can start by changing your definition of success.

  • The Way to Talk with God

    Life can sometimes be rough. You can have a good minute then a bad. What do you do when the bad minutes come? Do you scream out to God or do you scream at Him? In Isaiah 1:18 God begs us to reason with Him. Why would God allow us to reason with Him? Why would our creator even want to reason with us? It is for our sake He allows us to reason with Him. It is for our sake He wants to reason with us.

    God knows He is right but we do not. Not yet anyway. When He tells us to do something, we are unaware of the future ramifications. We bulk at the prospect of making this change. We come up with excuses but never to God. We talk to the air or people. We reason within ourselves and with other people looking for confirmation. God wants us to talk it out with Him.

    When we first begin talking to God we go through stages and He walks us through each one. Jesus said we need to become a child and that is how we speak to Jesus first. Then we switch to being a teenager looking for independence and understanding. Then we should begin talking to Jesus, mankind to Man.

    The Way of a Child

    “Assuredly,” Jesus said in Matthew 18:3, “I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” Think about how children talk. Babies look at you with love as you talk to them. They turn their head when they hear you speak. Then they ask questions, in awe, to learn. As children they know the world is big and they want to know everything. As children of God we know the Kingdom of God is big and we should want to know everything. We should ask God questions and listen intently for the answers just like children.

    The Way of the Teenager

    When we learn more and are a little more traveled we want more independence. But what also comes with independence is rebellion. God is big and can handle your rebellion. In Matthew 18 is the story of the sheep that leaves the fold. Jesus leaves the 99 behind and goes after the one. He wants you to mature enough in this stage of talking to Him that you will be one of the 99 who waits for Him to come back but if you are the one it will be because you did not speak to Him about your rebellion.

    During this way of talking to God He expects you will become childlike and also rebellious. Jesus is big enough to hear your complaints like the Judge from Luke 18:5. He will give you justice but you have to tell Him what you are looking for and listen to what He has to say about it. Both the way of the child and teenager are about learning. We cannot always stay childlike or rebellious we must prepare ourselves to become an adult.

    The Way of Mankind

    Isaiah 1:18 tells us we must reason with God and God told Job to prepare himself like a man because God is going to question Him, and God is expecting an answer (Job 38:3). God expects us to stand before Him and reason with Him about everything we need to understand. He expects an answer. Why do you think that way? Where were you when I created everything? Do you know how the ocean stays behind its lines or even how the line got there? Just as God reasoned with Job and every other person in the Bible He will reason with us, but we have to do it like a man. We have to prepare ourselves to speak to Him. The way to prepare ourselves is to put off childish behaviour and rebellion. Know that God is who He says He is and we are who He says we are.

    God created each one of us to have a relationship with Him, but He will not allow us to act like children the whole time. He will also not allow us to rebel against Him forever. Time is not on our side. It is on God’s side. Use what little time you have left to talk with God about all the things that matter to you. All the things that matter to you are exactly the things that matter to Him.