Fitting in and Not by Force.

You can only do what the Lord created you to be able to do.

I spent a lot of time praying the Lord my plan to apprehend. Because sometimes I want the Lord to push me into the position He has for me. I had been sitting around for so long in this room I now refer to as my jail for Jesus.

I don’t want to leave and when I do leave I don’t want to come back.

But I do come back because I am the elect of God, holy and beloved. I am required to put on tender mercies toward the people I serve and when I do that I am thrilled to come back.

It isn’t by force that I am fitting into my vision from God or into the Kingdom. No force is required when I put on tender mercy.

It is by putting on the tender mercies I have for women in middle age. Those women whose need is great to fit into the Kingdom of God for their own well being, for their own fulfillment and to thrive in their own vision from God. I am tender toward them.

Your Tender Mercy is Needed

What people group are you to put on tender mercy for?

What problem do they have that you are called to be tender toward?

What problem do you have putting on that tender mercy?

The Problem I Solve

Do you want to understand how you can thrive in the Kingdom of God in your midlife?

I can help you solve the mystery of “What do I have to offer the Kingdom?”

Contact me at for a free “Visionary Living Consult” to discuss how I can empower you to recall your commission, grow into your vision and chase your ambition toward the body of Christ.