The Highway of Heeding

In the past I have not understood the Lord’s direction for me so I refused to heed it. There is a great need for me to understand why I am going into a directions I cannot see the need to go.

You see, I am a bit of a freak when it comes to knowing something. Mystery belongs in a one hour show not a lifetime of serving. I want to know where I am going and how I am getting there.

The Holy Unknown

As I was chasing my Upward Call of God my biggest frustration was the Holy Unknown. The mystery that loomed before me was not something I could accept. The Lord’s lack of future revelation for my ministry was a hindrance to me chasing it.

I eventually learned that if I was obedient to the Lord today, my future followers will benefit from it and so would I. The Holy Unknown, that made me uncomfortable, began to make me comfortable.

Me Following Helped my Following

When I started to heed the Lord’s direction, for this minute, it began to lead me into the Holy Unknown. The place where I follow Jesus and begin to understand the why.

Why am I going this way?

For you and your followers.

Why am I climbing this hill?

For you and your followers.

Why am I parked here?

For you and your followers.

Why is this wall here?

For you and your followers.

Why do I keep falling in this same pit?

For you and your followers.

Every time I asked a question about my Divine Direction the answer was vague but got clearer as I obeyed. For 10 years now I have devoted my life to following the Lord’s direction for me and my ministry. It has finally been revealed to me who my followers are and what they are following me to accomplish.

Years is the more common time frame for obedience and understanding so don’t get discouraged about how long it is taking you.

Time is not the answer to all of your why’s. “Follow Me” is the answer to all of your why’s.

Just as I have learned to heed the Lord’s direction by heeding His direction so must all women called to make a ministry heed the Lord’s direction. In doing that your Upward Call will meet His people where they are and do what it is meant to do.

Meet me in Midlife Ministry Makers this week to dive deep for diving direction into how to heed the Lord’s direction so you can meet your followers where they are.