An Opening that is Divine

I have spend many years clarifying the Upward Call of God on my life. I learned it takes many calls on my life to equal my Visionary Ministry.

Am I supposed to do this? Am I supposed to do that? What am I supposed to do because nothing seems to be working? No one seems to care about this call on my life…

But I have to tell you that I would never have known what to do if I didn’t keep obeying. This month we are going to talk about how the Lord opens our eyes to the hope of His call as we fall under His divine direction climbing up the Ministry Mountain. 

The Opening

Realizing that many calls equal my Visionary Ministry was the divine opening of my eyes to the hope even though I was missing the end result, the women I serve and the permission from people to go.

I was thinking that permission from people was the actual YES that I needed but it was deeper than that. It was me putting pressure on them by saying to myself, “they don’t appreciate me!”

Their eyes do not have to be opened to the hope of my Upward Call of God today for me to chase it.

It is your eyes that need to be opened. Your Upward Call of God is filled with hope for YOU and it will fill your life with more hope as you commit to chasing it even if they don’t appreciate it.

The Hope in Your Call

The hope of your call is for you alone to enjoy. It is rare that you will see your whole calling from God in a vision or dream or even that He sends you someone who should care as much as you do.

The expectation that everyone should care about your Upward Call of God as much as you do is the beginning of the loss of your hope. No one should care about your call as much as you should.


The Jesus Affect

Jesus is the One who opens the eyes of your heart to be content with your call alone, consider your listeners and to keep talking about it until you gain a full understanding of what you are called to do TODAY.

Jesus is going to train you to cares just as much as He does, if not more, about the accomplishment of your vision.

Ephesians 1:18-19 calls us to take a look at how deeply affected we are by our Upward Call of God. We care so much about it that we want everyone to care about it equally.

We want our listeners to be changed by it, so we keep talking about it over, and over, and over again until our eyes are closed because of our tremendous human expectations for our self and others.

Let’s talk this month about how to keep the eyes of your heart opened to see the hope of God’s Upward Call on your life in Midlife Ministry Makers.