Our Place has the Perfect Way
If it was up to me I would make my way perfect for me. I would have not drama, no trials, no tribulation, no pain, no sorrow and absolutely no confrontation.
Yet, if I look at what Jesus did, from the time He was born, He had plenty of all of those things even before He exited Mary’s womb. The brutal Romans where the government that was on His shoulders (Isaiah 9:6) constantly.
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about what He went through to die for me, so why should I ever think that the place He has for me, here on earth, should be any different than the place the Father prepared for His only Son.
Unlike Jesus, I have a lot to learn about myself and others.
He knew all man, and did not ruminate about what they would do, or say, about His plan. He was headed in the perfect direction which happened to be the worst direction for His disciples.
Once they got on board, they headed in the same direction.
The perfect way to glorify the Lord.
My Visionary Living Advice 💦 for you this week is to not discount the gravel road because it leads to the perfect road to your place.
Watch Biblical Power Tool #184 here then Join me in Midlife Ministry Makers this week to Behold Your Way.
#lifistrydisciplines #lifistrydiscipline_4 #beprepared #Its_about_time #Liveyourvision #yourway
Am I Able in my Place?
It is not good enough to know your place here on earth but we have to practice it as well. I don’t like practicing either. I would just rather have the ability zapped into me.
Well, guess what? It has been zapped but not by some wish granting genie but our God, who also gives us spiritual eyes to recognize Him at work. That is where the troubled heart comes from.
Did I see that correctly?
Did I hear that correctly?
Am I going in the right direction?
I am supposed to do this?
I put way to much pressure on myself to be perfect at the task I am doing that I don’t want to spend time practising to get better I just want to be better.
My greatest accomplishments where born out of hours and hours and hours of practicing something to get it right. “They” say that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to be called an expert at something.
I am a, “can I have it now” kinda gal but I know the best things happen to those who practice what God has assigned to them here on earth.
I want to be an expert at my Vision from God so I can be highly effective at it. When I am highly effective at it here on earth I am also storing up treasures in heaven.
I know there is a place for me here and there. Practice is the gap between me and any place I have down here.
My Visionary Living Advice 💦 for this week is to enhance your place down here with practice as you store your treasures up in Heaven.
#lifistrydisciplines #lifistrydiscipline_4 #beprepared #Its_about_time #Liveyourvision #yourway
Behold, the Beauty of the Meantime
The most beautiful sight for me at Christmas is the lights. The warm and cool glow of them, the flashing and the tracing, the colourful and the white. All of their characteristics bring me tremendous joy each year.
Currently, we have a tree in our basement that I am looking at from where I write this blog entry. It has both white and colourful lights on it. The warm white lights glow continuously and the coloured ones glow with in a slow to powerful song. The one thing it is missing is its decorations.
It’s a new tree for us this year. It came with my daughter who is biding her time with us until she moves to another city to begin university. It will be regaled with her decorations when she gets around to it.
While I am waiting for her to decorate, I enjoy the flashing coloured lights and the warm white lights without any obstructions.
In the Meantime
The lights on the tree can barely be seen in the day time so the tree looks naked until my daughter covers it with her colourful decor. In the meantime, I will plug it in and enjoy how it shines with a breath taking, mind soothing, glow.
The tree is living in a state of readiness for the decorations, just as we are living in a state of readiness for our place to be revealed to us. When I sit before the Lord to grow up into His Woman of Vision, I am preparing to come to His place for me in Heaven.
Yet not only I am preparing myself to meet Him in the sky when the horn blows, but I am preparing myself to meet His expectation of me for my next “Upward Call of God” to move toward my “Vision of God”.
What can I do in the Meantime?
Continue doing what I know to do, as well as prepare myself for what is to come, the return of Jesus or my next “Upward Call of God” to move.
My Visionary Living Advice 💦 for you this week is to lead yourself through each day with a mind to return to Jesus for how to get ready.
Are you ready to work hard for your place on earth so you can enjoy the reward in your place with Jesus?
Meet me in Midlife Ministry Makers this month to discuss the reasons to celebrate and enjoy the place the Lord has for you.
#lifistrydisciplines #lifistrydiscipline_4 #beprepared #Its_about_time #Liveyourvision #yourway
Escaping the World for the Sake of Your Vision
In the last couple of weeks we have seen the Lord’s holiness and heard from the Holy. There is nothing left for us to do but to take action because of this Holy.
We are going to dive deep for divine direction this week into Biblical Power Tool #182 – Take action in His Holiness.
Have you ever been listening to a movie or a sermon or read a book and had something stand out so vividly that you think about it for days or even weeks.
This is how God gets my attention.
I am an Intellectual Connector to Jesus. He knows that because He knit me together that way. He created my inner most parts with that in mind. He knows how to get my attention and how to change me into the new woman He desires me to be.
He knows I am going to take action in this new wiser woman. He has sent me to a destination and I have to be a new wiser woman to get there. He shows me my destination (my Vision from God) more clearly and vividly through the fog to this new wiser woman.
This is how God gets me to my Vision.
I can be this new wiser woman and make peace at the same time. I can journey to my vision and make allies of my enemies at the same time. I can be encourage by the successes of leaders and surpass them at the same time.
Taking action takes seeing and hearing the Lord on the journey. As I identify with Jesus more I can journey for longer and work harder toward my vision each time.
The place I am going with the LORD is waiting for the Woman of Vision I have and will continue to grow up into.
Join me in Midlife Ministry Makers this week as we discuss taking action to live in His holy so we can be holy for the sake of our ministry and the glorification of the Lord.
The Holy in Me is Hearkened by the Holy
I know for a fact that knowing the Bible has been my staying power. The more I know it the more power I have to hang onto the Holy left behind during the worst of the storms.
My first five years of Christianity were the worst years of my Christianity. They have not been the worst years of my life but they are the ones I remember most because my spirit went from stagnant to stimulated and my soul had to catch up. The Lord gave me a hunger for reading the Bible and my soul also resisted it during the storm too.
Stimulated Sense of Hearing
During those five years the Lord was teaching me how I would be able to sense His presence so I could hear His voice. This was the most ironic thing I have ever been because my ears where full of worldly wax.
I was new at this Christian thing, therefore I didn’t even know that the Lord spoke to people through the Bible. The Lord stimulated my sense of right and wrong, Selfish Ambition and Divine Ambition, deafness and hearing by giving me the ability to remember the stories in the Bible.
Soul fully Stimulated
He used family ties in the Bible to set my soul on fire for more. Those five years where extremely painful because my ears where filled with worldly wax. The Lord had to remove the wax first then make my soul believe what He was saying through my spirit.
It was a hard sell on me because I had the misguided impression that my life would become better with Christianity, not worse. I thought, with my whole soul, that the Lord was going to change me into someone everyone would love including my family. In stead I got trained to love myself in spite of the unconditional love I did not know.
The voice of the Lord was present with me for the whole five years even when I refused to hear it. He knew I was not listening so His voice got louder. He stimulated my spirit until I could not ignore Him any more.
I was hearkened by the Holy and I know you are too. Join me in Midlife Ministry Makers Wednesday to start your own story of being Hearkened by the Holy.
The Old is gone the New has Come
I have been thinking about my challenge to you last week, in my live, to allow the storms of life to test your holiness instead of your ugliness.
Biblical Power Tool #180 was so powerful to me because it not only allowed me to talk about the ugliness God washes away but it gave me permission, as well as you, to let it go.
Who am I without the Ugly
There is some stuff I have been hanging onto for dear life thinking I need it. I need the pain to survive. Who am I without it? I need the bitterness to bite me. Who am I without it?
I have had ugly seeds planted around in my brain for so long that I cannot picture who I am without them.
Who can I be without the Ugly
The problem with not knowing who I am in Christ, or identifying myself with Jesus rather, is the holy can never surface. The old me will always win out over the new me.
The storm that was meant to change me, blinds me instead. I cannot recognize that Jesus is making me look more like Him. So, I act selfish and testy watching my ugly float away creating more ugly to be removed.
Defined by the Divine
The holy in me is the divine in me. There is so much more to me than the ugly I want to cling too. I put that to the test all the time even today. I have lived through the Lord washing away the ugly that has lead to the holy in me.
I am a new Kathleen who hears Him speak to me, who sees His work around me and who wants what He desires for me. I am defined by the divine more than decrepit.
It is only in this work that I am able to identify with Jesus, because I have lost my worldly identity to the storms.
The winds of change are always blowing. Will we allow the seeds God is planting in us to change us?
Watch a collection of lives on this subject here.
The Storm reveals the Holy in Me
I tend to go into the negative when I hear the word “storm” but that was definitely the old me way of seeing a storm. The more storms I go through the more holiness is revealed in me.
It wasn’t always this way. When I was hit with a storm I could see the ugly very clearly. The more significant the storm the more ugly was revealed.
Luke 6:46-49 is a story that Jesus told that describes me in progress perfectly. I was of the belief that the storm only revealed the ugly but it also reveals the “Holy in Me” as well.
The Perfect Storm
The ugly in me creates the perfect storm that could blow my house down every day. I know what I should do yet I procrastinate, I whine, I complain. When I get busy doing the Lord’s work for me I feel accomplished, happy and content even in the middle of a storm.
There is such a stark difference between me and this other storm chaser. I can easily identify myself with Jesus because I hear Him and do what He says. The feeling of overwhelm in the storm goes away and the calm invades.
Rebuild on the Rock
Jesus shows me the ugly in the storm, I can hear His divine direction for me, as I obey I again feel accomplished, happy and contented. I know my Lifistry is built on the Rock because I know what to do when a storm rocks my world.Â
They come at us like the full circle of a hurricane. The storm reveals every one of the weaknesses in the life and ministry we are building. Although this is a painful process, it is a good thing to go through with the Lord.
When I can see my weaknesses I can deal with them, by going back to examine the foundational truth in which I had failed to build on, and rebuild it on the Rock.
My Visionary Living Advice 💦 for this week is not to be afraid of the cracks and gaps in your foundation. Ask the Lord to reveal them so you can make sure to rebuild on the Rock.
Questions Require Answers; Answers Require Jesus
I don’t know about you but not having the answer to a question drives me crazy. I will make them up if I have too.
A great example is when I am wondering why someone did something I will make up an answer just so I can be content. It could be the biggest lie in the world but it is still an answer.
The problem with that is I begin to believe people are not what they are.
The Bible is God’s Answers for Me
I was doing the same old same old, making up answers but I was at a loss for why someone in authority over me was doing what he was doing. I finally talked to the Lord about it and He sent me to 1 Samuel. I was perplexed but okay.
This was the first time for two things. One, I went to the Lord for answers and two, He answered me by sending me to the Bible.
I began reading 1 Samuel in the first chapter. I was still perplexed until I got to the story of Saul. Then, I understood His answer to me. Peace came over me and I was ready for warfare.
No one around me was able to answer my question because they had all been deceived by this man. It was only the Lord who was able to put this into perspective.
Perspective is Key to Answer Appeasement
Sometimes, I don’t like the answers I get from God but when I put them into perspective I am appeased by the answer. I know sometimes you don’t like the answers God gives you either.
We are all required to understand the sovereignty of our God in His right to do what He wants to do. But if you put the answer into perspective of the whole picture of God, it is easier to be appeased by it.
This week is Q&A week in Midlife Ministry Makers because I know how hard it is to have unanswered questions.
Our topic this month has been “Open the Eyes of my Heart” and you can see all the lives/videos/excerpts here. This month we focused our growth as a “Highly Effective Christian Making a Ministry” on Lifistry Discipline #6 – Live in Your Vision with Moxie.
You can ask any questions about any of the Lifistry Disciplines (Personal Life Stewardship & Ministry Life Stewardship) we have talked about.
The 4 Lifistry Disciplines previously discussed
Lifistry Discipline #1 – Thrive in this Time
Lifistry Discipline #3 – Identify Yourself as a Christian
Lifistry Discipline #5 – Keep Company with Thriving Christians
Lifistry Discipline #6 – Live in Your Vision with Moxie
Or even the 2 Lifistry Disciplines left to discuss in November and December will have topics focused on…
Lifistry Discipline #2 – Identify Yourself with Jesus
Lifistry Discipline #4 – Live in a State of Readiness
Why don’t you join us and get all your questions answered from a biblical world view in a Facebook group filled with moxie.
Talking that Exceeds the Walking
Speaking Excitement into your Upward Call brings you closer to God and your vision which fills your life with such vivid colour even you will be blinded by it.
God’s talk can sometimes be in black and white for us because our eyes are not opened to see it in action. As we work our way into believing His words to us, colour begins to appear. The same can be true of our own talk, helping us walk our way into believing in our own Upward Call of God.
According to Ephesians 1:18-19 the eyes of our heart need to be opened, which means we have to hear the truth to have our eyes opened into the living colour of it. And if you are anything like me, you need to hear it more than once before the colour appears.
None to Some
My first experience with unbelief intimidated me. I was a new Christian with a fresh, although colourless vision for my future. I spoke it to hearts that were not opened to hear it.
I was to intimidated to talk about it, and began to think I was not worthy of it. Of course, I already thought I wasn’t worthy, so this was just more confirmation that I am a chump rather than a champion. I was lifeless and colourless.
This colourful vision needed a champion, therefore I was not God’s gal.
Some to More
The Lord kept leading me into it, and I kept following. I still believed myself to be lifeless and colourless but He was teaching me to be less of a chump. He gave me more confidence to talk about my vision in colour and that met with more resistance that I could actually handle.
I was beginning to rest in His plan for me. I also became more confident in my Upward Call of God, and the Visionary Ministry given to me by God, because He was putting a deeper array of colours into my heart for it.
I was still selective about who I painted the picture for.
More is Better
My chumpish ways were still looming over me even as colour enters the picture. I would speak of my Vision from God but still kept the life giving vivid information back. People would say, “We need this Vision of yours.” in one breath and with another say, “BUT go take it somewhere else.”
Chump Kathleen would shut her mouth, even when life giving,colourful Kathleen was longing to reveal herself. Finally, after many colourful conversations, Champion Kathleen won and put her chumpish ways aside. She began speaking about her Vision from God as the Lord added more colourful life to it.
The more I talked the better I got at talking about my Upward Call of God.
Better for All
I was becoming the champion of my colourful cause even though it still wasn’t in full colour but chump Kathleen was still waiting in the wings to take advantage of any confusion.
Colour was constantly coming into the black and white of my Upward Call because the more I talked about my vision the clearer it became. The clearer it became the more excited I became about it. The more excited I got, the better it was for all.
I was talking about my Upward Call of God as it grew more colourfully into my Visionary Ministry.
All of us are called by God to be steadfast verbalizing our Upward Call of God. The more we talk about it the more articulate we become about it. We will recognize the Lord’s hand in it and it will open the eyes of our heart to bring it forth in living colour.
Silence is not golden when it comes to your Upward Call of God. Silence is golden when it comes to how intimidated you feel when you talk about it. Talking about it, before it happens, will always exceed your walk in it.
God’s talk exceeds your walk. Why shouldn’t yours?
Join Kathleen this week in Midlife Ministry Makers to for The Impending: Speaking Excitement into your Upward Call that brings you closer to God and your vision.
And to vote on the November topic. Have your say about how your grow into your vision from God.
#lifistrydisciplines #lifistrydiscipline_6 #ChasingmyUpwardCall #its_about_time #liveyourvision #yourway
The Highway of Heeding
In the past I have not understood the Lord’s direction for me so I refused to heed it. There is a great need for me to understand why I am going into a directions I cannot see the need to go.
You see, I am a bit of a freak when it comes to knowing something. Mystery belongs in a one hour show not a lifetime of serving. I want to know where I am going and how I am getting there.
The Holy Unknown
As I was chasing my Upward Call of God my biggest frustration was the Holy Unknown. The mystery that loomed before me was not something I could accept. The Lord’s lack of future revelation for my ministry was a hindrance to me chasing it.
I eventually learned that if I was obedient to the Lord today, my future followers will benefit from it and so would I. The Holy Unknown, that made me uncomfortable, began to make me comfortable.
Me Following Helped my Following
When I started to heed the Lord’s direction, for this minute, it began to lead me into the Holy Unknown. The place where I follow Jesus and begin to understand the why.
Why am I going this way?
For you and your followers.
Why am I climbing this hill?
For you and your followers.
Why am I parked here?
For you and your followers.
Why is this wall here?
For you and your followers.
Why do I keep falling in this same pit?
For you and your followers.
Every time I asked a question about my Divine Direction the answer was vague but got clearer as I obeyed. For 10 years now I have devoted my life to following the Lord’s direction for me and my ministry. It has finally been revealed to me who my followers are and what they are following me to accomplish.
Years is the more common time frame for obedience and understanding so don’t get discouraged about how long it is taking you.
Time is not the answer to all of your why’s. “Follow Me” is the answer to all of your why’s.
Just as I have learned to heed the Lord’s direction by heeding His direction so must all women called to make a ministry heed the Lord’s direction. In doing that your Upward Call will meet His people where they are and do what it is meant to do.
Meet me in Midlife Ministry Makers this week to dive deep for diving direction into how to heed the Lord’s direction so you can meet your followers where they are.