Questions Require Answers; Answers Require Jesus

I don’t know about you but not having the answer to a question drives me crazy. I will make them up if I have too.

A great example is when I am wondering why someone did something I will make up an answer just so I can be content. It could be the biggest lie in the world but it is still an answer.

The problem with that is I begin to believe people are not what they are.

The Bible is God’s Answers for Me

I was doing the same old same old, making up answers but I was at a loss for why someone in authority over me was doing what he was doing. I finally talked to the Lord about it and He sent me to 1 Samuel. I was perplexed but okay.

This was the first time for two things. One, I went to the Lord for answers and two, He answered me by sending me to the Bible.

I began reading 1 Samuel in the first chapter. I was still perplexed until I got to the story of Saul. Then, I understood His answer to me. Peace came over me and I was ready for warfare.

No one around me was able to answer my question because they had all been deceived by this man. It was only the Lord who was able to put this into perspective.

Perspective is Key to Answer Appeasement

Sometimes, I don’t like the answers I get from God but when I put them into perspective I am appeased by the answer. I know sometimes you don’t like the answers God gives you either.

We are all required to understand the sovereignty of our God in His right to do what He wants to do. But if you put the answer into perspective of the whole picture of God, it is easier to be appeased by it.

This week is Q&A week in Midlife Ministry Makers because I know how hard it is to have unanswered questions.

Our topic this month has been “Open the Eyes of my Heart” and you can see all the lives/videos/excerpts here. This month we focused our growth as a “Highly Effective Christian Making a Ministry” on Lifistry Discipline #6 – Live in Your Vision with Moxie.

You can ask any questions about any of the Lifistry Disciplines (Personal Life Stewardship & Ministry Life Stewardship) we have talked about.

The 4 Lifistry Disciplines previously discussed

Lifistry Discipline #1 – Thrive in this Time

Lifistry Discipline #3 – Identify Yourself as a Christian

Lifistry Discipline #5 – Keep Company with Thriving Christians

Lifistry Discipline #6 – Live in Your Vision with Moxie

Or even the 2 Lifistry Disciplines left to discuss in November and December will have topics focused on…

Lifistry Discipline #2 – Identify Yourself with Jesus

Lifistry Discipline #4 – Live in a State of Readiness

Why don’t you join us and get all your questions answered from a biblical world view in a Facebook group filled with moxie.