The Holy in Me is Hearkened by the Holy

I know for a fact that knowing the Bible has been my staying power. The more I know it the more power I have to hang onto the Holy left behind during the worst of the storms.

My first five years of Christianity were the worst years of my Christianity. They have not been the worst years of my life but they are the ones I remember most because my spirit went from stagnant to stimulated and my soul had to catch up. The Lord gave me a hunger for reading the Bible and my soul also resisted it during the storm too.

Stimulated Sense of Hearing

During those five years the Lord was teaching me how I would be able to sense His presence so I could hear His voice. This was the most ironic thing I have ever been because my ears where full of worldly wax.

I was new at this Christian thing, therefore I didn’t even know that the Lord spoke to people through the Bible. The Lord stimulated my sense of right and wrong, Selfish Ambition and Divine Ambition, deafness and hearing by giving me the ability to remember the stories in the Bible.

Soul fully Stimulated

He used family ties in the Bible to set my soul on fire for more. Those five years where extremely painful because my ears where filled with worldly wax. The Lord had to remove the wax first then make my soul believe what He was saying through my spirit.

It was a hard sell on me because I had the misguided impression that my life would become better with Christianity, not worse. I thought, with my whole soul, that the Lord was going to change me into someone everyone would love including my family. In stead I got trained to love myself in spite of the unconditional love I did not know.

The voice of the Lord was present with me for the whole five years even when I refused to hear it. He knew I was not listening so His voice got louder. He stimulated my spirit until I could not ignore Him any more.

I was hearkened by the Holy and I know you are too. Join me in Midlife Ministry Makers Wednesday to start your own story of being Hearkened by the Holy.