How to tell if God has a Plan for you
I remember my first time going to a church. It was not the kind of church I would attend forever but it was the kind of church the Lord could use as a teaching for me.
That church was responsible for raising up all kinds of happy sinful people including Sooth Sayers in the choir and promoting their services to the congregation. Whatever makes people happy, they where doing it.
I was looking for happy then so I fit right in.
Why would the Devil reveal Your Plan?
The big question on my mind was always, “Why do I think and act the way I do?” It is just so much different than anyone else I knew. That made me odd and I did not want to be odd.
To be honest I didn’t like myself very much because of the way I acted. I longed for a better, deeper life than what I was currently living but my actions opposed that. I didn’t know what to do so I went to psychics and astrologers to find out what my future looked like so I could live it NOW.
One of them told me my dad would die which came true. One of them told me, my then 14 year old twins, would be heavy equipment operators which also came into being. But none of them where correct about MY future. Not one thing they said about me was correct.
Now, why would the Devil give sooth sayers information about how I would fight him for the souls of Lady Leaders and help prepare them for the work of the Lord.
Your Actions Reveal Your Plan
The Devil knows a lot about who we are and how we will work for Jesus. He can tell by the way you act that Jesus is going to bring you into salvation. He can also tell by the longings you have for leading that you will be successful for Jesus. He can tell by what motivates you how he can deflate you.
He can tell by your actions that you want a deeper life. Every one of our days has been a sign for him of impending doom. He is going to put up a fight just like a hooked fish puts up a fight.
He could tell by my actions that the Lord was going to use me to propel women into leadership faster. He could tell by the way I was fighting to be an effective Christian that I would provide those tools to other women gifted with leadership so they will be effective as well.
It is all about God’s Plan
As I continued seeking the Lord He taught me why I think and act the way I do. It is all about His plan for me. And because of this plan, the Devil has no power over me or my plan. My God anointed ministry is what powers me into the arms of Jesus and into a wrestling match with the Devil.
Ooo yes! Let’s wrestle over Lady Leaders, Devil.
Your lies about women in leadership are ineffective in my ministry. Your lies about women being subordinate to men have no effect over us. Your lies about male power, abuse and shame have no bearing over our ministries.
We are part of God’s plan for the future and only God can reveal that to us. For us it’s all about God’s plan not your lies.
Lead or Bust Workshop September 29th @2pm EST
To find out if you are part of God’s leadership plan you can register for “Lead or Bust” to get a free assessment. You will learn if you are a “Visionary Leader” or a “Commissary Leader” and how those tie into your plan from God.
Email me today to fill one of the 10 ZOOM spots available at kathleen@kathleenderbyshire.com for more information.
The Musings about Knowing what I Know
It has been just over the past three months that Jesus has helped me to clarify how to articulate that ministry He has been preparing my life for.
Have you ever been so unenlightened about His path for you?
I wanna call it confused but Jesus is not the author of confusion so I cannot. It is just a matter of not knowing or having the correct words to use to say what I know I already know.
I have known that I am gifted to teach, speak and make clear the life lessons found in the Bible. BUT can I articulate that in one little sentence or phrase that says it all. I have not been able too for many years until just recently.
I have known that I would live my whole life in ministry to Jesus whether it is talking to family, a complete stranger or my boss. It was only at the beginning that I did it without any fear. (When you do it without fear it usually turns out bad.)
The Beginning of Musing
My beginning was rocky and hard to follow because I needed to get to a place where I was actually walking in ministry to Jesus. I needed to be trained in everything from morning routines to money management, from goal setting to boundary defending, from how I thought about myself to how I thought about others.
All of that training put me in position to live in my ministry to Jesus. It all started with understanding that the more I knew Jesus the more I began to know about who I am.
This is a small part of the journey I will never regret and will never forget because it had a profound impact on who I thought I was.
I was that small tree I kept seeing on my path to my “City on the Hill” (my vision from God).