• An Opening that is Divine

    I have spend many years clarifying the Upward Call of God on my life. I learned it takes many calls on my life to equal my Visionary Ministry.

    Am I supposed to do this? Am I supposed to do that? What am I supposed to do because nothing seems to be working? No one seems to care about this call on my life…

    But I have to tell you that I would never have known what to do if I didn’t keep obeying. This month we are going to talk about how the Lord opens our eyes to the hope of His call as we fall under His divine direction climbing up the Ministry Mountain. 

    The Opening

    Realizing that many calls equal my Visionary Ministry was the divine opening of my eyes to the hope even though I was missing the end result, the women I serve and the permission from people to go.

    I was thinking that permission from people was the actual YES that I needed but it was deeper than that. It was me putting pressure on them by saying to myself, “they don’t appreciate me!”

    Their eyes do not have to be opened to the hope of my Upward Call of God today for me to chase it.

    It is your eyes that need to be opened. Your Upward Call of God is filled with hope for YOU and it will fill your life with more hope as you commit to chasing it even if they don’t appreciate it.

    The Hope in Your Call

    The hope of your call is for you alone to enjoy. It is rare that you will see your whole calling from God in a vision or dream or even that He sends you someone who should care as much as you do.

    The expectation that everyone should care about your Upward Call of God as much as you do is the beginning of the loss of your hope. No one should care about your call as much as you should.

    NO ONE!

    The Jesus Affect

    Jesus is the One who opens the eyes of your heart to be content with your call alone, consider your listeners and to keep talking about it until you gain a full understanding of what you are called to do TODAY.

    Jesus is going to train you to cares just as much as He does, if not more, about the accomplishment of your vision.

    Ephesians 1:18-19 calls us to take a look at how deeply affected we are by our Upward Call of God. We care so much about it that we want everyone to care about it equally.

    We want our listeners to be changed by it, so we keep talking about it over, and over, and over again until our eyes are closed because of our tremendous human expectations for our self and others.

    Let’s talk this month about how to keep the eyes of your heart opened to see the hope of God’s Upward Call on your life in Midlife Ministry Makers.

  • Seeds Unseen

    When I was first saved I had no filter which also means I said what came to my mind without thinking about the effect it would have

    Over the last 20 years the Lord has been preparing me to take up the reigns of my ministry with a filter called Kathleen. My name is Kathleen Victoria. Kathleen means PURE and Victoria means VICTORY. Together they mean PURE VICTORY.

    PURE VICTORY from the Fire

    The moment I got saved was the moment the fire came. The Lord needed to purify me from Vicky and make me into Kathleen.

    For some He holds the fire at a distance and for some He of us He holds it under our feet. I was held to the fire right away and made to right the wrongs of Vicky.

    Who I am today was hidden in those wrongs somewhere. I had no idea how much fire it was going to take to release Kathleen and even today she is not fully released in the power of God.

    The Seeds before Me

    What I learned from inside the fire was the old me was dying and the Lord was releasing seeds of ME in Him to those around me.

    I could not see these seeds with my naked eye but as I grew in my faith the Lord began to show me the seeds. I was talking with a woman I admired when she told me how powerful my ministry was.

    To my chagrin, I had just been sitting in my secret place with Jesus, complaining to the Lord about not being released. This woman had not realized that she had been sent to me to teach me that He was releasing my ministry without physically releasing me.

    The Seeds before You

    While the Lord is sifting the world out of you, He is releasing the seeds of your ministry before you. He is purifying you in the fire which separates the chaff from the wheat.

    Chaff fertilizes the ground under you to create more fire inside you. It sets your soul on fire to be you. When someone is called, by God, to encourage, empower and embrace your calling, He is showing you the seeds He has sent out before you.

    My Visionary Living Advice 💦 for you this week is to listen to those whom God has called to encourage you more than those who the Devil has sent to discourage you.

    Join me this week in Midlife Ministry Makers for “The Fire’s Afoot” to walk through how exactly to accomplish this Visionary Living Advice

  • Growing Truth Within to Thrive Genuinely Without

    Who we are today does not compare to who we were yesterday if you are growing out of the old you. The invisible Christ effect on us creates, in time, a whole new you that might shock you.

    I keep growing into who I am in Christ through a process of truth and understand of that truth. One day I understand one truth then the next I understand another.

    This way of drip feeding me knowledge has made me stronger to defend who I am and given me freedom to be me. I had all kinds of worldly understandings of who I am and none of them would help me fight the battle I am fighting.

    The Battle Within

    We all have an inner battle we fight and we need to give it a name. I called those disobedient characters, of the old me, Demonic Divas. And the obedient characters of the new me Heavenly Hosts.

    The battle for me rages on inside me on the daily, but the Lord is winning. He is raising up a Victorious Kathleen who understands her Kingdom Cause. She is going to thrive genuinely without in her Kingdom Cause.

    The Kingdom Cause Battle

    There is no reason for anyone to know who they are if they are not being armed to fight a battle for others. The battle within is the growing ground for the battle without. The battle without is our Kingdom Cause.

    What injustice are you going fight to dissolve? Who needs freedom from what? This is your Kingdom Cause.

    Each time we grow out of our Demonic Divas we are like a tree planted by the water that gives shelter to those who need us and are coming behind us to fight in their Kingdom Cause.

    There will be no victory if we don’t fess up to the battle we wage. Our willingness to fight for who we are in Christ establishes a path for others to follow so they too can drink of our victorious identity in Christ.

    My Visionary Living Advice 💦 for you this week is to recognize your Demonic Divas and begin to activate your Heavenly Hosts.

    Join me in Midlife Ministry Makers this week to do a deep dive for divine direction into Biblical Power Tool #171 – Enter into who You are in Christ by Kathleen Derbyshire

  • When the Seeds Fly, the Effect is Fire

    For as long as we stifle our gifts and talent, that is how long it will be before we can live a highly effective Christian life.

    I know that people have a sly way of making it sound like you are not gifted with teaching and preaching, or even the big one, speaking the words of God.

    For many years women have been teaching on this subject, so I recommend that you read their books. More so recommend you start by looking for evidence in the Bible of women doing what you are called to do.

    The Silencing of the Lambs

    Jesus spoke clearly and in parables during His whole time in ministry. He spoke truth to the Pharisees and truth to His disciples. He wasn’t silent about truth.

    If burying your gifts and talents was His plan for women, would He not have said that clearly in the three years He was preaching the good news to those who needed to hear it.

    He called ALL of us His sheep. All of us are to follow Him. All of us are to use our gifts and talents to equip the Body of Christ. There should be no silent sheep.

    Evidence Abounds in Scripture

    Imagine if Esther kept silence. Imagine if Deborah did not prophecy to Barak. Imagine if Priscilla had not taught Apollos. Imagine if Mary (mother of Jesus) had not been obedient. Imagine how everything would sound without the voice of women relaying the voice of God to anyone.

    Our voice is heard loud and clear in Scripture but the hard heart hears it not.

    I know that your voice is screaming inside of you but your fearful spirit is turning it off. Or maybe your voice is screaming out loudly but anyone listening is turning it off. We can go from one extreme to another sometimes trying to be effective Christians.

    Join me this week in Midlife Ministry Makers as we lay out the Biblical Power Tools for setting your home fires burning without burning every bridge you come across even if it is against you.