• God is Not Blessing Us, We are Already Blessed!

    I was reminded recently how much we are blessed! Our mindset on a daily basis either decides we are blessed or decides we are cursed. How do we know the difference for certain? If you love Jesus you are blessed and if you do not you are cursed! Paul was definitely blessed by God. He was a Pharisee of Pharisees moving up in the ranks very quickly into many leadership positions. He was trained under Gamaliel, a doctor of the Jewish Law. Gamaliel warned the Pharasees not to stop the work of God (Acts 5:34-40). Paul didn’t know then his life was being orchestrated by God to get him in place to write all the letters he wrote to the churches. At the time of Gamaliel, Saul thought he was blessed because he earned it however by the time he sat to write the letter to the Ephesians he believed with all of his soul he had earned none of it! He knew he was already blessed then and now!

    Paul was a man of understanding and he used it to teach the churches how they should act inside and outside of the Ekklesia. The one piece of information he wanted all of us to understand is God does not bless us, He HAS already blessed us. He tells the Gentiles in Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Even better to be added to this is Proverbs 11:22 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it! Each one of these verses tells us Elohim has blessed us prior to us seeing the blessing and sorrow is not part of the blessing. I have learned two truths in my walk with Jesus, if we live in the blessings daily we will never need a miracle and we must never allow anyone to rob us of the blessings bestowed upon us.

    Live in the Blessings

    Elohim has spoken a blessing over us in His Words, which existed long before we came into being. I know how hard it is to think of being blessed when all hell is breaking loose in your life, when you lose your job, when you have used up all your savings, when family is sick and needs you taking you away from your current life. I want you to know this – it is all in the way you see, receive and speak the blessings of Elohim. We need to know God to see the blessings He has already given us to see and recognize. Once we recognize Him in everything we see the blessings and hope abounds. Hope abounds because we learn to receive the blessings knowing Elohim abounds on the earth. Knowing that we begin to speak the blessing over others and ourselves while living daily to see, receive and speak them aloud! Living for this we understand everything happening to us and the people around us will result in good rather than sorrow giving us more hope for the future. If you start looking for what you have been blessed with, receive it with joy and speak it over your life it makes it hard for someone to steal it from you.

    The Blessings Bestowed Upon Us ARE Ours!

    You know you are blessed and they are yours but one day while walking in God’s will for you someone says to you, “Did God really say that?” You walk away questioning your idea of what God has been clearly training you to do. At the very point you begin questioning God is the very point someone was successful in robbing the blessing then you continue to not allow the blessing to be activated in your life. You affectively quench the Holy Spirit in your life because someone asked a question to curse you. To be robbed of any blessing is to disobey God. When God blessed us with every Spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places He gave them to us to do His works on this earth so if you are not doing His works because a person got involved in a God works then you are in sin. I am not saying you should not try to understand I am saying you should never question God because a human questioned you. You know yourself better than any other human being. You know God’s work in your life better than any other and you know what God has trained you to do so just do it. If you have obeyed God in the past and it blessed you than why would you stop because a human cursed you. You see the blessing in your life, you have received it and you have been speaking it in your life, don’t stop just keep obeying God because no one has the right to question what God is doing even you.

    If it is God No One Cannot Overthrow It!

    We all hear the folks who are always talking about being blessed and I figure they say it because they are trying to talk themselves into it. The issue with that is they are not speaking blessing the are boasting blessings. When we become Christian we automatically are blessed with all Spiritual blessings in the Heavenly places and no sorrow is added to them. Gamaliel recognized God at work and he was a Pharisee why do we have such a hard time as Jesus followers to recognize our blessings already in place? If we see them, receive them and speak them into our lives we will recognize each and every one in place before the world was. They will be our stronghold against the robbers of this day. If it is God you cannot overthrow it so walk in it. This week ask Elohim to open your eyes to the blessings in His Words so you will recognize His works that cannot be overthrown.