Say who You are in the Church

The power of community is “their” corporate Vision of God coupled with “your” personal vision. Have you ever been part of a rally, or a protest, or a search where all the people have one goal, one focus, one vision? To fight, find or facilitate a common solution.

You can feel the energy rising every minute you are among them. You later return home still pumped from the experience of this joint vision.

Now imagine if that was happening in the Christian Church. If everyone had one goal, one focus, one dream? And imagine if your Upward Call of God fell in line with theirs?

Wouldn’t that make your feel safe, accepted, loved, hopeful and free to do what God has called you to do along with them as your support, your encouragement, your inspiration.

It meets Your Approval

The Affect that Jesus has on your Lifistry will move you toward this cause, this Church. this conclusion – a combined vision with one focus – advancing the Kingdom of God.

When I first came into the Church, I was unaware of my Kingdom Works or my Kingdom Cause. I knew what I did not want to do, but I had no idea what I was called to do.

The things that I was called to do happened to be outside of the Church building more often than inside, but a couple of churches had allowed me to bring them into the building.

Today, I am so grateful for the air time because I was able to practice my craft with Christians and get it more focused into what it is today. My Upward Call of God meets my approval and yours should meet yours.

Embrace Your Call

Once my call met my approval it then becomes about embracing it 24/7 which was harder to do. Embracing God’s will for me in Church community was hard fought at first (15 whole years) because I expected them to embrace my call inside the Church. I knew all along that it would be performed outside the church building, but I felt like I needed them to need me before I could feel free to embrace my calling.

The Lord has been giving the Church divine direction throughout their Christian Lifistry yet our longing to bring our own particular Upward Call into community, without His approval, is stunting our growth into our own ministry.

Our Spiritual growth might coincide with your Church’s vision but our Kingdom Cause (Visionary Ministry) may not. There are plenty of Visionary Ministries born outside the church building (Red Cross, Proverbs 31 Ministry, Living Proof Live just to name a few).

Embracing your call, inside or outside, of the church building is the difference between freedom and oppression. For us to feel safe, accepted, loved then hopeful and free to actively accomplish what God has called us to do, we have to embrace where our call will be released.

My goal for you is the same as the Lord’s goal for you – to accept and embrace your Upward Call of God, easier today than yesterday, through practising and more practising and advanced practising it until it becomes what God has already created it to be. 

My Visionary Living Advice 💦 for this week is to go into your community, secure in the your Upward Call of God, and secure in where He is going to release it (inside or outside of the building) knowing that a full life is waiting for you in it. 

Join me in #MidlifeMinistryMakers for tons more clever and clear Visionary Living Advice to aid you in your climb up the Ministry Mountain to shout the Name of Jesus.