Brute Force is NOT my Spiritual Gift

I had no idea what I wanted to accomplish in my life but I knew I had leadership skills and organizational skills.

In my family my dad was the clear winner of the leadership game through brute force. All of my sisters have leadership skills with brute force as well. And here I was with leadership skills lacking the brute force component.

Hidden in Plane Sight

I was hiding my skills in plane sight. I hid them for many years because I refused to use brute force to secure any leadership role. Bullying anyone, to get my way, has never been how I wanted to obtain any leadership role. 

I am a “natural compassionate leader” who has organized and lead some very successful projects that had impact on the world around me. I assumed, once I became a Christian, I would continue using my God given talents within the church body. I was determined to get my life and leadership skills into position for when God opens the door for me.

I was also determined to do it WITHOUT brute force or bullying. I was determined to do it with compassion and encouragement because God has also gifted me with teaching and exhortation.

Practice on Myself

I knew that to be a good leader I would need to be able to use those same skills to lead myself through life successfully. So, I began practising leadership over my own life. Despite how my life played out I was always hopeful in the Lord’s ability to use the skills He has bestowed upon me in whatever task He had me doing, in whatever capacity He had me in.

I didn’t let life deter my skills in leadership because I used them on myself to get ready for what I am doing today. I didn’t let being in a leadership role define my life because I trusted the Lord to fulfill His plan for me.

I am neutral about life and leadership because I am faithful first to Jesus.

I know that faith has to come first before I will have a ministry that will change lives.

Come out of Hiding

Is it time for you to come out of hiding to create a deeper faith life so you can be faithful to Jesus first?

Are you ready to accept who you are (leadership skills and all) and create the significant impact you long to have in your world?

The “Your Way” Series is the perfect way to boost your second calling into significance in the way the Lord created you to serve, utilizing every skills He has given you including that powerful Spiritual gift of Leadership.

Get life time access to this inspiring bundle of four DIY “Your Way” Courses plus four 30 minute 1:1 “Visionary Life Planning” calls and the cherry on top is sixteen hours of “Plan Propelling” question and answer time. Sign up for the “Your Way” Series here and being leading yourself into significance tomorrow.

rePurpose your leadership skills for impact while leading yourself into the ministry role the Lord has planned just for you.