Leading Yourself IN Success Part 5

Be The Doer

If you read the Gospels you have found that Jesus went. He didn’t stay in Nazareth for the people to come to Him. He travelled all over Galilee. When we go to Israel in May of 2019 we will go where He went by bus. It will be a packed trip imagine if we were walking every place He walked. The amazing thing about the distance He traveled is how far He went to show people He cares. There was not one person in all of Israel that did not know about Jesus, whether they needed a compassionate hand or not.

Be a Doer

James, the brother of Jesus, tells us in James 1:22 to be doers of the word rather than just hearers. The whole chapter is filled with information we can all use. We have talked about changing our mindset to that of Jesus but changing our mind is useless if we never put those new thoughts into action. Putting those new thoughts into action requires us to find out exactly who we are in Christ.

The Leading Yourself IN Success Workshop

The second half of Leading Yourself IN Success is called Success Takes Root IN your Actions. They are how we get to the place we are needed. They are how we get into the position to plant seeds for God to grow. We cannot expect people to come to us all the time.

Your Deeds have Roots

How you perform your deeds is rooted in how you think but what you do also takes root in the way other people think as well. If you are expecting people will always come to you, you are allowing them to think you are only serving self. When you go to them, you are showing them, through your actions, that you care about them. You can meet people half way as well. I do a women’s retreat, not in my home town, but in another town. I go and so do they.

Take an Inventory

We sometimes think that our works are where we are but they are not, they are where the work is, where the people are we are to serve, where the need is. Where is that for you? Do you know? Now, is a good time to find out. The summer is here, when all the activities you are involved in are on hold. Do an inventory of your activities to see if they are for serving the Kingdom or serving yourself.

You can also get to know you better by doing a Spiritual Gifts Assessment in your down time to find out what God has gifted you with, then revisit your inventory again. The summer is not just a good time to spend time with family and friends. It is a good time to spend time with self and with Jesus too. No one knows you better than He does. He will direct your path to become a doer of His Word.