A Threesome Approach to Fighting!

What happens when you know what God wants to do with the gifts He has given you and He has told you except it just isn’t happening? What do you do when time has come and gone and again you are not inside your plan from God? How do we continuously deal with disappointment and quandary? How can we do the will of God while fighting to accomplish the will of God in our lives?

There are three approaches that we can use to continue fighting for what we know in our spirit is what we are supposed to do. The first is to know exactly what that task is. The second is to get on our knees and the third is to do His written Word while we wait.

I know how frustrating it can be to know exactly what our Father has in store for us but not be about that particular business yet. I think the biggest issue for most of us is we just don’t know what God has in store for us. We have a job in the body of Christ that we were created specifically for but do we know what that is? Why not? Why do Christian’s wander through the dessert? We will never know what God has created us to do if we continue to wander. Stop wandering and hunker in to find out what He wants you to do. Read the story of Joseph from the time he was born until he became head over all Egypt. In this story you will see a man who knew that God knew what He was doing and He did his part. He was gifted to lead and He did just that even in jail. Joseph’s Story

When Joseph was in slavery he still knew that one day God would make His dreams a reality. The Scriptures tell us that he had favour and God was with him. How does that happen? I am sure that Joseph was on his knees before the Father constantly and in constant communion with Him as well otherwise how would Joseph know that eventually God would bring the dreams to fruition. He could have given up. He had the choice to give up because God could have used someone else to accomplish His goals but Joseph made Himself available to God by constantly communing with Him so God used him where he was and strengthened Joseph with His promises. Joseph responded by continuing to believe that what God said would be done is already done!

Believing what God said He would do takes work in our mind. I have been struck many times with the mind of the world. I question God’s plan for my life many time. I get nasty thoughts in my head when I see others doing what God said I would do. I am fallen but I am also redeemed. How do I know that? God’s Word tells me that! It tells me that He will do the work He started in me (Be Confident). The only way I can know this is to have been in the Word of God. We need to take time to replace those worldly thoughts of mistrust with the Biblical Truth of God’s faithfulness toward us. We can only accomplish God’s will in our life if we are about the business of doing His every day will in our lives. We need to be trusted with His everyday will so He will use us in His overall will for our lives in the Body of Christ.

RIM 12 noteThe action we need to take will be to find out exactly what God wants us to do in the body of Christ then get on our knees to pray about how this righteous work will come about happening and go about the daily business that we need to accomplish to get ourselves ready for the true purpose of God in our lives. Not one of these approaches to fighting for what God wants us to do can be forsaken. If we choose to forsake any of them the world will be able to get a hold of our mind and we will be of no use to God. He is looking for a righteous person who believes what He says. No one will be set free by what we are doing if we are not free ourselves and everything that we are doing for Jesus is to set people free, is it not?