What did you SAY?

Has this ever happened – you’re in the middle of a great conversation when all of the sudden someone says something that you completely disagree with. You begin to think about how to rebut them and all respect for them and what else they have to say disappears from your mind.

This weekend I was studying Revelation (a feat all on its own) and I needed information (surprise) so I do a web search to see what folks have to say about the topic when I find a website that is very interesting so I read and read until I get to the part where they say something that I completely disagree with. I cannot continue to read. I become this stiff-necked person that God talks about. You know the ones who believe what they want to believe and will not subscribe to anything else even if it is the truth. Well this is not the case for me what was said was not the truth but it was still the same concept. Why did I stop reading – because once I detect a lie I cannot believe anything else that is said! Everything is subject to my scrutiny and I hate reading that way so I stop reading. The worst is that even if they had good information to share I am no longer listening because of the untruth perpetuated.

I have to learn that all information is important even if some of it is false. It is our responsibility to discern if it is false or not (1 John 4:1). Is it of God or is it of man? Does the Bible testify of witnesses that will prove that the words are for a specific time and a particular person? The Word proves itself to be true or false so what we must do is test it out. No one is perfect and everyone wants to add a spin to the Word so you will continue to read. Is God telling you to do something but the world and even the Church are telling you it is not allowed! Then you must listen to God and not allow, especially the ecclesia who should know better, to tell you that it is wrong (Acts 5:29). God revealed in me that no matter what people say they still have more to say so listen. His will for me is for me and your will for you is for you (Isaiah 14:27). Ask Jesus to reveal to you what He has planned (James 1:5) and He will reveal Himself to you.

Action Plan: Think back and discover what people have been telling you that you cannot do – that is probably what God has been asking you to do. The Devil will send his minions against you to defeat the plan of God BUT God will defeat Him! All you need to do is let Him.