Prep Work is a Must!

If I ask God to show me His will for me in the future I better be prepared to do the work to get there. I have told everyone that will listen to me that God always tells us who we are when He calls us. Ask Gideon and David and Paul even Joshua if this is so! Many Bible characters were told from the moment God chose them what they would be doing. Knowing their calling did not stop the prep work involved in walking in that calling. Each time He called someone to a task He put them through a period of training including His Son Jesus. Each one went through their training differently.

We do not choose God He chooses us for His plan. His plan always includes getting us prepared for what He has chosen for us to do! The prep work is for both of us to endure together. God will not prepare our mind for a task we have, He opens doors and shows us the door. He moves people into our lives that help us but our mind is our own to prepare. There are no jobs that Jesus wants us to do that can be done efficiently with a weak mind. We must become strong willed toward the things of God. A weak mind caves when faced with temptation, retreats when faced with scary situations and doubts when faced with questions. On the other hand a strong mind will walk right over temptation, stands against daunting circumstances and has faith during the most trying of times. This is the prep work is a must, the prep work of the mind. Getting knowledge, understanding and walking in the resulting wisdom.

Something special rim7Joshua was preparing to go into the Promised Land for 40 years yet when he was about to go God had to command him to be of good courage (Joshua 1:9). God knows what scaredy cats we are. He knows that it takes time for our mind to get ready for the amazing tasks He has for us to do BUT God chose us to do it anyway at the very least we can recognize this and begin the prep work. God will guide you in each step you take (Proverbs 16:9). If we obey His commands He will be with us always (Matthew 28:18-20). Knowing this – how can we go wrong when we choose to follow Him. He has revealed His plan to me and He will reveal it to you too.

Action Plan: Think back to when God chose you – what did He tell you of His plan for you? Have you been preparing yourself for it or have you been avoiding it? Take some time this week and prepare your mind to do what God has planned for you – this is the one thing in your life you will NEVER regret.