The Matter of Appointment

Note: Facebook removed notes so I have relocated The Affect to my website. I will eventually move them all onto this site from Issue 1 onward.

The Affect    Volume 1, Issue 17

The fact that the Lord ✝️ has appointed my days and is the only one who knows them drives me into His arms. I want my days to be filled with hope. My vision is that hope.

I am a Woman of Vision and you are too. The Lord has appointed your days to walk in that vision from the appointed time of sun up to the appointed time of sun down.

A Woman of Appointment

Our salvation is not a matter of man but a matter of God. He has brought you and me into salvation for His matter at hand. Our appointment is wrought with hope and anguish in the beginning because it is going to go against the flow.

Maybe the river you float in goes in the direction of women as decorations in the church. Maybe it flows in the direction of women replacing men in ministry. Maybe it flows meekly, insecurely or wavey with your progressive choices leading your out of the visionary direction.  

A Woman of Courage

No matter how the river flows in your world, good or bad, the current will come against you because the Devil is controlling the opposing current to your vision from God. He is not expecting you to have courage. He is expecting you to stay in the boat while he shakes the courage out of it.

You know what you are made of. Jesus knows what you are made of. Jesus will allow the shaking to give you more courage because you are going to need it as your grow into your ministry.

A Woman of Knowledge

Since it is God who gave you this vision He will equip you to fight the Devil. He has appointed you to win but not without a fight. It’s the fight that gives you more courage. It’s the fight that makes you strong. It’s the fight that opens the door for more knowledge about the Devil.

We read the Bible so we can know the Lord and we fight the Devil so we can know his schemes against us, and the people we serve. The Devil will ask the Father to shake us. He will give him permission for the sake of our faith.

A Woman of Vision

“Climbing the Ministry Mountain” is faith driven. The more we follow the finger of God pointing out our direction the higher we will get toward this visionary cause. You are a ministry maker, for the glory of God. To bring people hope by answering the questions they have about themselves and Jesus.

Your vision is appointed to you alone. Your time to be released is appointed to you by God alone. Your ministry mountain is already standing. Your pathway to your ministry is already laid out. You can choose to either follow the God’s path or follow your path.

My Visionary Living Advice 💦 for you this week is to choose your path wisely because the consequences have also already been appointed.