Who Will Teach Me to be Mature?

When I first started improving my life skills my biggest question was who will teach me? I didn’t have many quality life skills because I didn’t pay much attention to having them. I wanted to pay attention because I was at my wits end. I had absolutely no idea how I was going to learn how to manage my life better without a mentor. I looked around and it was clear that a lot of people my age where in the same boat with me without a paddle.

When I started seeking answers God was available to answer my questions. I had so many questions that I couldn’t even sort them out myself. My difficulty was I asked the wrong persons and I was asked the wrong questions. I sought people to answer my question to no avail and all the while God was teaching me two very important commandments from Him to me! The first one is I am His child and He will raise me up and the second is like it, He will teach me!

The Father is My Father

When I was walking in the world I was lost and alone without mentors or real friends who could guide me through all of the mazes of my life. My body was in control so I was going to and fro looking for something to fill it. When I started to ask the questions I started getting better at asking and better at listening. The Words of God were starting to penetrate my soul and I was becoming more sensitive to the Holy Spirit as He relayed information to me from the Father. One of my biggest problems I discovered is I felt like a nobody – invisible. This is still an issue for me but God has planted in me a piece of information that I cannot forget. I am His child! John 1:12 tells me that when I accept Jesus Christ I am adopted as a child of God. Me, an orphan, a branch with no fruit, a harlot, an adulteress, a poor person, a tax collector, is a child of the Father! The Father is my Father! You can certainly understand how hard it was to believe but the Father kept enforcing it until I believed it deep in my soul. With that knowledge came the understanding He would raise me up as a child of God into whatever it is that He wanted me to be and I would get there by no other means. I finally asked, “Who is going to teach me because I need someone to teach me?”

He had made me recognize who He was to me

By the time I asked that question I was already being taught by the Father. I was going to church and listening to preachers more than I was actually reading through the Bible. I was tackling the Bible but not understanding. I was writing and teaching life skills workshops for the world; learning and using the Bible for answers but still not getting the Father was teaching me everything I knew. Each one of the workshops I wrote was Biblically based but secular in nature because I was still in the world. He continued to teach me without my full understanding. I was lonely and felt invisible. I was writing newsletters about what He was teaching me and losing friends. I was switching churches because the truth was compromised and losing more friends. In all this excitement it was becoming clear to me He had become my teacher. I would ask Him a question and He would send me to His Words for answers. I would read what He instructed me to read and be able to discern the times. He had made me recognize who He was to me – My Teacher!

He is My Father and He is My Teacher

It has been a long time since I knew that He was my Father and me His daughter but only a couple of years since I understood fully that He alone would teach me. I have learned from others but I become weary from listening to them and have to continue the study on my own in the Words of God. As a child of God we are to learn from God! (Psalm 119) There are jobs in the Body of Christ that we can learn from others but the Body of Christ belongs to God created in His image to take on His mind. We have only one Father and Teacher and that is Elohim. This puts us in a place of loneliness but that will pass because when we are in the secret place with Him our loneliness disappears and we cannot wait to be alone with Him again.

Be Presented Mature!

If you read these Words 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 you shall too understand revelation belongs to the Lord and everyone who teaches should be teaching in such a way that their students leave their tutelage  and continue learning with the Lord. We are teaching to mature our students to present themselves mature to the Father (Colossians 1:28). I will present myself mature to the Father when the time comes because I have set my mind to it! Will you be able too present yourself mature? Have you become dependent on human teachers and not depended on the Father’ teachings? Do you know that the Father is your Father and you are His Child? Are you allowing the Father to teach you? Let us get into the secret place with the Father and learn from Him until we know who exactly is teaching us to be mature!