• The Hearts Condition is Put to the Test

    A Hebrew girl is captured in a raid of Israel and brought to Syria. She is placed in the house of Naaman, commander of the army for the King of Syria. He was a great and honourable man in his masters sight, but not greater nor more honourable than God.

    Our Biblical Ground Work: 2 Kings 5

    Naaman, the might man of valour, has leprosy. The Hebrew maidservant of his wife said, “If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy.” A brave thing to say. Her submissive heart was in good condition because Hebrews typically hated gentiles plus she is one of his slaves. All the more reason for her heart to be hurt.

    Naaman seeks permission to go to Israel and he goes carrying a letter with loads of gifts. He first goes to the King but the king does not possess the power to heal. Elisha sends for Naaman but he is surprised by what he has to do to become clean. He is told, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean.” His entitled heart was revealed in his resistance.

    The servants reveals their loving heart for him, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do something great, would you not have done it? How much more then, when he says to you, ‘Wash, and be clean’?” His entitled heart was changed into a submissive heart and he was healed.

    He offered a gift and Elisha refused to be rewarded for the work of the Lord, but Gehazi’s greedy heart saw the reward. He went after Naaman and claimed the reward while Elisha’s eyes were with him. Naaman’s leprosy became the consequence for his heart for deception.

    Our Bible Life Lesson: The Fruit of your doings reveals your heart.

    Our hearts are open only to the Lord. No one can see your heart but they can see your doings. The world is filled with things our heart longs for but can never satisfy. We can work hard but still not have what we want. When your wrong hearted wants becomes a lust then we will do what it takes to get it.

    Our heart will be revealed in our doings. When the lust of the eye is more important than the Lord or the needs of others the consequences can be staggering. But know this for sure – you cannot hide your heart from your doings.

    Join me in The Bible Gals community tomorrow at 2pm EST for the Biblical Power Tools to ensure the fruit of your doings is according to God’s vision for you.

  • Let Him Choose!

    Elijah, the prophet of God Almighty, killed 450 prophets of Baal and believed at this time that he alone stood for God (1 Kings 18-19). He was exhausted and ready to give up. He went up to the top of carmel and put his head between his knees waiting for the rain to come. It came but it poured down more than just water. Elijah had to run for his life to Bersheba. God ministered to him there but he was still running under the impression that he was the only one. It is a great encouragement to know that God has a plan and you are not the only one working it but until you know you are still alone. God asked Elijah what he was doing in Horeb. He told God he alone is zealous for Him. God, before He told Elijah about His plan first showed him His glory then He informed him he is not alone.

    Elijah built his ministry by himself. He walked by himself in the zeal of the Lord! He alone went against Jezebel. He looked around and listened but there was not anyone with this same zeal. I feel like this sometimes. I feel like I alone am filled with the zeal of God and it is draining sometimes. Over this couple of weeks I have seen that Jesus has spoken the same words to others as He has spoken to me. He is training me with the same instruction He is using with others. He is showing us His glory before He chooses our fellow workers for His cause. When we are ready He will unite us!

    Sometimes we feel we are alone but when God tells us that He is going to do something He does it. We CANNOT do God’s works on our own and if He has shown us that we will join with others He has those others already chosen. He is moving them into place just as He is moving us into place. God knows exactly what we need in a partner worker to accomplish His Word. I am finished trying to pick my fellow workers I am going to let Jesus do that for me and see the wonderful people He adds to my life for the glory of God. He definitely has revealed to me that He can do a better job choosing His workers than I can!

    Action Plan: If you feel alone you are in a good place because your aloneness will make you available to view the glory of God from the place where you can see it best. This week open you eyes and ears to what others are saying so you can hear how God is working just for you. Sometimes you have to reveal God’s plan for you even though you have discounted it out of barrenness. That is when God will reveal to you the work He is doing!