Priscilla, A Woman who Does!
Is there people who are telling you that God’s calling on you is not something He would actually call you to do?
Are you standing still because of what people are saying or what you think they are going to say?
Biblical Ground Work: Acts 18, Romans 16:3, 1 Corinthians 16:19, 2 Timothy 4:19
Priscilla would be, or could be held back by that kind of a thing but she wasn’t. She was born into a time where women were not given the time of day.
They were not adored by any man.
They were neglected and left behind.
Her husband was a devout man of God and he understood that his wife was created in the image of God.
She is a great example of a woman doing what the Lord requires of her even if people try to stop her.
The Biblical Strategy for Living this out: Look for the motives of people to prepare yourself to either partner with them or go through them, around them or over them.
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In The Bible Gals we talk about the women of God because we need to know that Jesus loves us, He gifts us and He expects us to do what He has called us to do.
The Bible does not tell us we cannot — people do!
There is plenty of evidence in the Bible that we deserve to talk to the Body of Christ with the authority of Scripture, lead them with zeal and teach them with wisdom even if you have been told “NO” all of your life.
Join us as we work through this tense subject every week. I promise you will walk away with a renewed mind about what you can do for Jesus.