• The tongue’s direction

    I started reading James yesterday, in my personal time with Jesus. If any book of the Bible stops me in my tracks and causes me to ponder my past, it is this book. I even pondered where James came from. I read the introduction to this book first in my Archeological Study Biblewhich caused me to ponder this man, James, the brother of Jesus. He is His brother of a different father. Raised in the same household but grew up with different ideas and characteristics. James even mocked Jesus (John 7:3) as brothers would.

    Now, here is this same James telling us who to be, with faith in his Brother, Jesus. This is a 180-degree change, mocking to loving, disobeying to obeying. Do we think that he did not grow up hearing the story of his mother’s immaculate conception? Did Mary not tell him and Jude about the miraculous conversations they have had with people about their Son? I am not sure about you, but I would have told all and obviously Mary did because otherwise how would the writers of the Gospels have known. 

    James became a prominent figure in the Jewish Christian Church in Jerusalem (Acts 15) but he too was not without fault. He had the same fault as all of us, mocking what he did not understand. O, you have never done that? Lucky you, I am guilty as sin from doing that. I have thought it and I have spoke what I thought into existence. My mouth has been the bane of my existence, from the very moment I was born.

    Prosperity teachers tells us that we can speak something into existence like a car, or money, or friendship or love. God is the only one who can speak something into existence, all the rest of us can only speak encouragement or discouragement into existence. As I read James I am reminded of my existence before, and even after, Jesus claimed my life. I cringe at the hurt I have caused with my rudder. 

    Today, I am making new friends and am reminded that they do not know who I was. They see me completely different as the people from back then. Most of the friends I had back then are no longer my friends today, but some still are. I have hurt many people with the thoughts I have chosen to think, then to mouth. Words that have meant to discourage AND also words meant to encourage.

    Either way, my words have been the deciding factor of our friendship and they will continue in that manner. If we back our words up with our actions, we will either gather people or repel them. James says that the man who has mastered bridling his tongue can also bridle his body (James 3:2). This has been my goal throughout all of my walk with Jesus. I want to bridle my soul which in turn can bridle my body, faith perfected. 

    Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, you need to bridle your tongue. For introverts you need to speak when someone needs you to speak and for extroverts you need to just shut up. We all have this issue, hence the book of James, and we all need to bridle our tongues and make it go where the Spirit wants it to go. 

    You ask, “Where is that?” Psalm 145 tells us exactly where our tongue should go. It should proclaim the works of God rather than our own because we are all a work of faith in progress. Hearing about the works of God will strengthen our faith and progress our works of faith. Remember the works of God in your life and tell of them. I share as much as I can with my new friends because they need to hear it. I am not proud of who I was, but I am proud of who I am. The Lord has done a great work in me and my tongue’s direction is the Spirits direction. 

  • Leading Yourself IN Success Part 5

    Be The Doer

    If you read the Gospels you have found that Jesus went. He didn’t stay in Nazareth for the people to come to Him. He travelled all over Galilee. When we go to Israel in May of 2019 we will go where He went by bus. It will be a packed trip imagine if we were walking every place He walked. The amazing thing about the distance He traveled is how far He went to show people He cares. There was not one person in all of Israel that did not know about Jesus, whether they needed a compassionate hand or not.

    Be a Doer

    James, the brother of Jesus, tells us in James 1:22 to be doers of the word rather than just hearers. The whole chapter is filled with information we can all use. We have talked about changing our mindset to that of Jesus but changing our mind is useless if we never put those new thoughts into action. Putting those new thoughts into action requires us to find out exactly who we are in Christ.

    The Leading Yourself IN Success Workshop

    The second half of Leading Yourself IN Success is called Success Takes Root IN your Actions. They are how we get to the place we are needed. They are how we get into the position to plant seeds for God to grow. We cannot expect people to come to us all the time.

    Your Deeds have Roots

    How you perform your deeds is rooted in how you think but what you do also takes root in the way other people think as well. If you are expecting people will always come to you, you are allowing them to think you are only serving self. When you go to them, you are showing them, through your actions, that you care about them. You can meet people half way as well. I do a women’s retreat, not in my home town, but in another town. I go and so do they.

    Take an Inventory

    We sometimes think that our works are where we are but they are not, they are where the work is, where the people are we are to serve, where the need is. Where is that for you? Do you know? Now, is a good time to find out. The summer is here, when all the activities you are involved in are on hold. Do an inventory of your activities to see if they are for serving the Kingdom or serving yourself.

    You can also get to know you better by doing a Spiritual Gifts Assessment in your down time to find out what God has gifted you with, then revisit your inventory again. The summer is not just a good time to spend time with family and friends. It is a good time to spend time with self and with Jesus too. No one knows you better than He does. He will direct your path to become a doer of His Word.