• Growing Truth Within to Thrive Genuinely Without

    Who we are today does not compare to who we were yesterday if you are growing out of the old you. The invisible Christ effect on us creates, in time, a whole new you that might shock you.

    I keep growing into who I am in Christ through a process of truth and understand of that truth. One day I understand one truth then the next I understand another.

    This way of drip feeding me knowledge has made me stronger to defend who I am and given me freedom to be me. I had all kinds of worldly understandings of who I am and none of them would help me fight the battle I am fighting.

    The Battle Within

    We all have an inner battle we fight and we need to give it a name. I called those disobedient characters, of the old me, Demonic Divas. And the obedient characters of the new me Heavenly Hosts.

    The battle for me rages on inside me on the daily, but the Lord is winning. He is raising up a Victorious Kathleen who understands her Kingdom Cause. She is going to thrive genuinely without in her Kingdom Cause.

    The Kingdom Cause Battle

    There is no reason for anyone to know who they are if they are not being armed to fight a battle for others. The battle within is the growing ground for the battle without. The battle without is our Kingdom Cause.

    What injustice are you going fight to dissolve? Who needs freedom from what? This is your Kingdom Cause.

    Each time we grow out of our Demonic Divas we are like a tree planted by the water that gives shelter to those who need us and are coming behind us to fight in their Kingdom Cause.

    There will be no victory if we don’t fess up to the battle we wage. Our willingness to fight for who we are in Christ establishes a path for others to follow so they too can drink of our victorious identity in Christ.

    My Visionary Living Advice 💦 for you this week is to recognize your Demonic Divas and begin to activate your Heavenly Hosts.

    Join me in Midlife Ministry Makers this week to do a deep dive for divine direction into Biblical Power Tool #171 – Enter into who You are in Christ by Kathleen Derbyshire

  • Lady Leaders and our Crisis of Identity

    When I was first saved I already knew I had a longing to lead. I used that gift of God to lead a bunch of different ministries from teaching the Bible to healthy living.

    I did not enjoy any of them until I started teaching effective Christian Living skills for Lady Leaders. That is when the fight began and the identity crisis went into full bloom.

    I started doing that in 2005 and have been fighting for my life ever since.

    Is it really about our identity?

    Women gifted with leadership are well aware they long to lead. I was well aware of it but what I wasn’t aware of was the fight that would ensue to actually keep leading.

    I don’t believe Lady Leaders are alone in this. I think Gentlemen Leaders are subject to this too. Is it really a crisis of identity or something more sinister.

    I think it is something more sinister than our identity — it is the Devil trying to eliminate influential leaders; male and female.

    When the Fight Starts

    The minute you admit that you are gifted with leadership is the minute the fight begins. After you admit it, you begin aligning your whole life toward being an influential leader in the Kingdom of God.

    When you ignore the gift of leadership and/or administration your effective Christian living goes to pot. You stop leading yourself and your family in the direction of God. The longing does not go away so you have to stuff it down. In that stuffing comes confusion and unhappiness.

    Do You Desire to Live that Way?

    Confused and unhappy cannot be from God therefore we need to understand that the Devil has a sinister plan to squelch all Christian Leaders, male and female.

    So then the big question is – do you want to live this squelched lifestyle or do you desire to burst into leadership to join the fight with the rest of the Kingdom leaders?

    The Lead or Bust Workshop

    If your answer from my posed question is “burst into leadership” now is the perfect time because I am teaching a workshop that is going to help you understand why the Devil wants you to squelch your leadership gift and how to fight him the right way.

    Register for this free workshop Thursday September 29, 2022 @2pm EST by emailing me “I wanna Burst” at kathleen@kathleenderbyshire.com