• RIM 2: A Patchwork Called the Body!

    IMG_7156Much like this Christmas tree I purchased in 2014 for my basement decorations, we are a patchwork of patterns and colours. Some of us have buttons and some bells. Some are cross-stitched and some are straight stitches. Some of us shine from the top and some of us hold the patchwork up for all to see. There are bells at every level and buttons as well. Each part of the Body needs to be sewn together to make the whole. For this tree to look like a tree it all had to come together at a specific place.

    So is the will of God for each one of us at each stage in our walk with Him. He puts us into place at a specific time so that we can edify the body at that given time with the knowledge and wisdom we have. He makes us the stand sometimes so we can support the whole. He makes us a bell sometimes so that we can sound an alarm to someone who is in sin. He makes us cross-stitches sometimes so we can be two places at once and straight so we can fly solo. He makes us a colour pattern so we can cause people to look twice and solid to be hidden yet blend. Sometimes He makes us a button so we can be in the gap to hold someone together. He has a clear plan for each one of us even if it is the weld on the stand. It is our responsibility to know what part of the body we belong. This is part of knowing the will of God. When you are in the will of God the body comes together but all it takes is one person in the body to stray from the will and the body becomes out of sink and can become fruitless but when everyone does what God wills them to do the fruitfulness of the body can be seen for miles. 1 Corinthians 12:18:27 describes this wonderful phenomenon that Jesus has put together.

    Action Plan: Ask yourself this question this week – what is it that God has gifted me to do and am I doing it? If you understand this part of the will of God you will yield much fruit and help the body yield much fruit too!

  • RIM1: Why the ‘Revealed in Me’ Blog

    When it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, He revealed His Son in me that I might preach Him among the gentiles… [Galatians 1:15-16]

    At the time of this Scripture reading I had already decided that I would stop writing the Under the Wings of Love Newsletter I have loved writing for almost 8 years and move to a weekly blog. Jesus was talking to me about how I can better improve my learning and yours. I am looking for focus in my learning to develop a brand of learning so I can develop a brand of teaching. Not always as easy as it sounds especially when you teach the Word of God. Expansive is a small word for exactly what you can learn in the Book of Life. This Book is filled with information that can overwhelm and deter others from even opening the Book but I have not been deterred nor have I been ignorant of its power to change my life.

    Jesus has been working in me the power to understand His Word, the power to simplify His Word and the power to teach His Word. It is in this work that He has ‘Revealed in Me’ what needs to be relayed to you. I am the Life Skills Strategist and I am doing it the Biblical way. I am teaching life skills the way Jesus wants it to be taught so you will live the abundant life He so desires for you.

    Then the other obstacle comes into play – what kind of life skills to teach and to what end? What is the thing that I want to change most? What is the thing that bothers me the most? If I walked into a gathering place for Christians what is it that I would see that needs to change? After I ask these questions of myself I find the one thing that makes me the saddest – my brethren do not KNOW the will of God furthermore since they do not know the will of God they do not DO the will of God. As a result they do not know joy and they do not have peace! Look up Romans 12:2. This Scripture is my motto for teaching from now on – transform your mind…

    Let us transform our minds together so we can grow toward the good and acceptable and perfect will of God!