Scheduled Amendments

What do you do when Jesus wants you to amend your current schedule of events? Do you say to the Lord, “Wait just a  minute. I need to do this, or that, first.” Or do you just ignore Him. Read this story – Matthew 21:28-32

We cannot know the story from before these events but we know a snippet in time. The Father interrupted their current life and told them to go work in the field. For us the field is our ministry. We could be out plowing one field and Jesus interrupts us. He tells us to go work in another field. You may have worked there before and failed. You may have worked there before and left. You may never have worked there before at all. How do you deal with this change of venue?

I am in this situation as we speak. I have been plowing a field Jesus gave me since I was a baby Christian. He has now sent me to another field; one that He has been preparing me for, now that I think about it. He has been preparing my mind for a couple of year and my husbands. BUT I did not go without saying “no” first. I am still trying to wrap my head around the residual. What do I do with this, and that, and them?

I am clear that as a Christian, I have two objectives: find Jesus and follow Him. This is the first time He has made Himself so clear to me that He is easy to find. He has affirmed my field many times since He sent me, even after I said an emphatic, “NO!” While I was learning in one field, He was preparing this other field for me. He has put a joy in me to harvest in this field.

Is Jesus sending you into a new field? What have you said to Him? Have you refused Him and stood your ground? Have you refused Him but going anyway? The Lord of the Harvest is calling you to His field. Don’t waste one moment disobeying Him. His field is ripe for the harvest and the Father is sending workers. Are you going to be one of them? Go with Jesus on a scheduled amendment. Your life will always be filled with abundance because of it.