You can Problem Solve your way into Real Truth!

When it comes to life skills, desperation is a driving factor for all manner of horrible things to happen. What is the driving factor for those who have been caught up in human trafficking? They were desperate for a better life and someone took advantage of that. What is the driving factor for overwhelming debt? They were desperate to have what they wanted or to have what someone else has. In the world today we are taught to have what we want and if we don’t have it, get it. We are taught to buy now pay later but, my lovelies, later comes sooner than we expect and we still don’t have everything we want. Now we not only are still desperate for our wants but we have to pay back the debt for our past wants we really don’t want now. What we need to do is face the truth and learn how to problem solve.

Three Truth’s to Face Head-on!

Truth 1: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. John 10:10

Whether you are saved or not this is the truth. We are in this life for one purpose – to live the abundant life Jesus promised. If your life is not filled with abundant peace, love and joy you are being killed by the thief. BUT John 10:10 also says “I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

Instruction: Face the truth the devil may very well have a grip on you. If indeed you have been called by the Father for salvation then submit yourself to Him, resist the devil and he will flee. James 4:7

Truth 2: You might be able to have everything but not everything is good for you. 1 Corinthians 6:12

We see so much stuff in the world we become desperate to have what others have or even not to have what we already have. We become desperate when we allow stuff to control us. We might have too little stuff so we class ourselves as lacking or our stuff isn’t the right stuff. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

Instruction: Face the truth that stuff has power over you and relinquish what you have! Unless you relinquish the grip stuff has on you it will continue to upset you and dig a deep pit for you to wallow in. You cannot worship mammon and God therefore do a Scripture search about heavenly treasures to see what you will get if you worship God before stuff.

Truth 3: What you see is not always thought worthy! 2 Corinthians 4:18

Our senses are running overtime with all of the great things out there to sense. We smell those delicious Cinnabon’s, we hear great things about stuff, we touch soft things, our mouth waters for a taste of great things and we see so many new and wonderful things we are constantly confused about what we want and what we need. God is clear about what we need – the Kingdom of Heaven and His righteousness and all of the other things will be provided to us. Matthew 6:33 How much time do we waste fulfilling our senses when we shouldn’t be putting any thought into it at all.

Instruction: Face the truth that your daily bread is from the Scriptures. Matthew 4:4 Please relinquish the fact that time is not of the essence about this. Jesus is coming soon and we are not ready. We are living in the world and are of the world. This should not be so. Know the Lord and all the things you need will be provided to you.

Problem Solving Starts in the Mind and is Proven out with Action!

We have faced truths because that happens to be the first step in problem solving. There is no problem until we admit there is one. Sometimes others see our problems as problems before we do so if you think you have no problems just ask a friend yet I am sure by this point God has already convicted you about your need to do something different. Problem solving begins in the mind because it takes time to solve some of the life problems we have such as debt. We need to formulate boundaries and set goals. The best person to go to is Jesus and His Words because His plan for us will always overrun our best plans anyway. We have to decipher in our mind first what this problem fully solved looks like and go in that direction. Our problem may have continued to be a problem because we were never able to imagine ourselves being free from it. In that case we will need to rely heavily on Jesus to show us the way until we can see it ourselves.

The proof that we have problem solving skills is apparent in our actions. When the solution begins to take form we will see how functional our problem solving skills are. First, act out the solution for your eyes only. There are only two people who know your problem deeply enough to see if it is being worked out or not – Jesus and you! Your actions will prove nothing to the people around you except that you are not doing what they want you to do. Be prepared to have opposition but fight for the solution because your life is worth it.

Every Problem is Solvable if you Develop the Skills it takes!

None of this is easier said than it is done, but what is said, can be done! Each piece of advice I have written for you is written in the Words of God therefore it can be done. We can problem solve our way into real truth! Some find one problem easy to solve while another almost impossible and will have to go again and again to their knees before the Lord for help. The most helpful thing we can do at this point is learn to take our negative emotions out of each and every problem so we can see clearly to solve it completely. Only Jesus can help with that by providing the fruits of the Spirit.

We have three truths to face up too: the devil is out to kill, everything is not good for us and we do not have to think about everything we see. The solution to those is to admit them and fight them every minute of the day. Solve your problems in your head first with the help of Jesus and then act accordingly. There is always going to be opposition but know this – your own thoughts and the devils plan for you will be the hardest to fight. Every problem is solvable if you have the skills to do it and you are going to need every skills you can get your hands on. Developing those skills will improve your life significantly. Wanting a better life is not good enough! What we need is the life that Jesus has planned for us filled with peace, love and joy and the abundance. We can have that in spades if we seek Him!