Men Who were Undone by a Woman
Have you ever asked, “Why are those wicked people able to get so far in life?”
Sisera and Abimelech were just such people; wicked and prosperous. I might be jealous of them except I know their end.
Biblical Ground Work
Deborah and Gideon area great stories to tell because they both have unexpected endings.
Sisera was the enemy of the Israelite’s during Deborah’s time. He was the commander of Jabin’s army and a wickedly smart man. He had 900 chariots and harshly oppressed them for 20 years (Judges 4:3).
They call out to the Lord and He sends Deborah, the village builder, to take control of the Israelites. But Deborah is not the one who is responsible for the death of Sisera, Jael is. He was undone by a tent peg and a woman who became a righteous agent of God’s judgment.
The Israelites have 40 years of peace under Deborah but act up again. God handed them over to the Midianites. Gideon, a man of little faith, is charged with freeing them from the Midianites and the Amalekites. Together they were as numerous as locusts.
They are trampled by Gideons 300 man army and the Israelites have peace for another 40 years. But they prostituted themselves with the Baals and made Baal-berith their god.
The story doesn’t end here. Gideons concubine, who lived in Shechem, had a son by him named Abimelech. This son of Gideon is going to cause some trouble that will allow God to use a millstone and a woman as a righteous agent of judgment.
Abimelech decided that he wanted to be king of Israel and rule over its inhabitants. He was successful at securing the kingship for three year BUT God had other plans for him.
Our Biblical Life Lesson
The Sanctuary of God holds the understanding of the end.
We live in a time now where we do not have to look far to see the wicked prospering. It is disheartening to us so we amuse ourselves with stories of grandeur from even more wicked people.
Our salvation from these wicked people is not in the hands of the more wicked, it is in the hands of our God. To get a clearer picture of how our jealous of these wicked people can get out of hand we will read Psalm 73.
I don’t know about you but I have had to bring this before the Lord many times just as I am sure Joseph and David had too. Why do the wicked have the gull to mock God but still have riches and influence while the lovers of God remain poor and lonely?
Asaph asks the same question of God. He came to the conclusion that this is just to profound for Him to understand unless He goes into the secret place with the Lord so He can speak to Jesus about it.
He questioned the Lord like a bear but the Lord still answered Him. He gave Him the understanding of their end which also gives him the understanding of his own end.
Understanding the end is the way to removing jealousy of the wicked as they prosper and being content with the life you are living. God has a plan for you that is all your own. He grows you into it and grows you in it. Just as Jael and Millstone woman were part of God’s plan to undo these men, you are a part of God’s plan to undo the Devil.
Release those wicked people from your mind and allow Jesus to grow you into your vision. Your vision from God is closer than you think.

The “Ready? Set? Goals”, a no cost Biblical Life Lessons Workshop, is beginning September 21/20 in The Bible Gals Sisterhood Community.
Registration ends Thursday September 17 so I can get you ready with your workbook and special instructions.
Sign up today before it is too late.