If God is in CHARGE, why do we Worry? Life should be filled with Wonder!


How often have we gone on for days about a particular topic to ultimately give up the worry because we have come to the conclusion that we have no control?  We even allow the unpleasant thing to invade the other areas in our life we thought were just fine. Even the unsaved do that? One of the advantages we have over the world is we have our Jesus to turn too. Think about when we couldn’t do that. What did you do? Did you worry for hours? Did you cry about how unfair life is? Have you said, “Why me?” So tell me, why not you? Why not me! As I write this I am in the middle of an emotional crisis myself. The same one that has plagued me for 40 years. Same old, same old!

How can I be so ignorant of the power of God? How can we read the powerful Words of God and walked away from them with such ambiguity over who is actually in charge? What a hypocrite I am! I know in my heart most of the time that our God is in charge, but then when something comes along to overwhelms me with disappointment, I conveniently forget there is a plan and, unfortunately for me, even my broken heart is part of the plan. Even with this information in mind we need to learn to come around from worry about our issue to the wonders of God’s power quicker. James 1:2-4 has two truths for us that will help us get to wonder quicker: stop fighting the test and expect perfection.


If you have a trial right now you are in a test because every trial is a test. Let us not delude ourselves thinking there is no rhyme or reason behind what is happening. If you can show me one place in the Scriptures that God has lost control I will admit that He is not in control. He has put trials in our lives that we would become more faithful. Have you seen a child who wanted something? They do everything within their power to get what they want including violence. We are not children but adults,  mature in our thinking. Believing that Jesus is who He says He is makes us faithful but what about during trials? What about when you aren’t getting your way? What about when we are disappointed? How is our faith then? If we know that Jesus got us through the last trial or the last ten trials before what makes us think He will not do it this time. When we believe He will do what He said He will do we gain patience to wait for the other side of the trial. The patience we gain from our continued faith is how we will get through each and every test we are put through. If we bury, deep in your soul, every trial is a test of our faith that we NEED to pass one day we will get to this premise almost instantly and go from worry to wonder much quicker.


Each test of our faith that we pass produces patience which in turn perfects us and completes us making us lack for nothing for the good works we were predestined to do. As I write this sentence I cringe over my immaturity and milk drinking ways. Perfection does not happen overnight but I want it too. To tell you the truth I am tired of waiting. That tiredness has brought me to this place of disappointment. Things I enjoy or expected have been taken away again leaving me disappointed again. This is not the first time this happened it is probably the one hundredth time it has happened. I am blinded by the loss and cannot see the miracle but I have seen miracles in my past that have left me in awe therefore I have to look past the disappointment to the miracle of perfection so I can allow this trial to create more patience in me that I will become perfect again. This is not an easy task since I feel like everyone around me is advancing and seeing progress while I feel like I am standing still or even going backwards. Every time I go through a trial I feel like it is a miracle that I come out the other side at the very least the same person I went in as. I know it is a miracle when I come out the other side and haven’t given up. Right now I feel like there is no other side because it has been a long 15 years but I know the patience miracle is coming because it always does. Then perfection is right around the corner.

Don’t give up and I promise I won’t either

Lord, help us to see the wonder of your miracles! The miracle of perfection is coming if we don’t give up. The promise of good is coming if we don’t give up (Romans 8:28). There are many stories in the Scriptures of Elohim fulfilling His promises to people. I know sometimes that just doesn’t help because we want to stay disappointed but we will never see miracles in our disappointment. During the good times I prepared myself by knowing the Word of God and practicing the promises in the Scriptures. I don’t have anything I thought I would have but I still have Elohim who gives and takes according to His manifold grace. There is no power within me to change what is happening but there is power within me to accept it and move on. As I look around me I see the miracle of advancement in others’ lives that I love so I will ask for another miracle to get me through this test while waiting patiently for it’s perfect work to be completed so I lack nothing! Pray with me, and for me, while we welcome the test to our faith and expect the miracle of patience to perfect us!