How to Get off the Ground when a Foot is on Your Back

I have fallen on my face again! It seems that position is almost permanent. I know there are things I can do to stop this from happening but I cannot see them I only feel the weight of the ones throwing me down. It’s a mystery to me why this keeps happening; I am doing my best. This time I am down longer before I am able to get up again and I know the longer I am down the harder it will be to get back up but that knowledge is useless. As I make another attempt to get up I swear I feel something holding me there this time!

Have you felt this way? You are not alone. Every Christian who attempts to do the will of Elohim has been in this position. We cannot see what is holding us down but can certainly feel it! We use both our hands to push ourselves up but it is of no use! We are stuck there because we just cannot muster the strength we need to change the situation. Every ounce of our strength is required to breathe. Soon enough, breathing dirt is the only thing we know. We are accustomed to lying down so we don’t try to get up anymore. My lovelies, you are exactly where the Devil wants you to be. With no effort on his part at all we just get on our face! We have developed some industrious skills while down on the ground, to breathe and to maintain this position comfortably. He has effectively taught us how to throw ourselves on the ground with the blink of an eye. How was he able to teach us this trick and how can we break the cycle?

Dogs aren’t the Only Animals who Learn Tricks!

The Devil knows the world better than we do because he has been in it longer than we have. He knows the Bible better than we do because he was in the world when the Bible was written. His tricks are ancient and his wiles are common. He roars around like a lion after each and every one of us who profess Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Hell was made for him and he is intent on bringing some earthly souls with him. He has developed some very good tricks to train us and he will not stop coming after us until Jesus comes to fulfill His Words.

Every action we take is from a learned behavior. Ecclesiastes 1:9 tells us there is nothing new under the sun meaning nothing from today, yesterday or tomorrow has failed to happen before and if it has not happened it has been spoken by Elohim. The tricks the Devil teaches us have been taught before and he will teach them again. We need to know, there is no temptation that has seized us except what is common to man but Elohim is faithful to not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:12-13). Temptation is what the Devil uses to trip us until we fall on the ground from the weight of our sin. James tells us our evil desires, conceived through temptation, gives birth to our sin (James 1:14-15). This sin is what knocks us to the ground because we have not developed the skills we need to see the path Elohim has provided for our escape (1 Corinthians 10:14). The skill we need the most is discernment in this case. We need to discern the tricks of the Devil faster so we can get up faster when we fall.

An Eye for the Tricks

To see the tricks of the Devil we need to know the character of God. The more we know God the faster we will recognize the Devil. When we develop eyes to see God’s character we will see the devil at work against Elohim. To know the difference we need to know the truth! God’s truth can only be found in His Words. Keeping His Words in our mind is the only way we will be able to get up faster when we are down and avoid being thrown down again.

Our Muscle to Get Up Faster

We need to develop endurance muscles to be able to get up when we are weighted down by our sin. The only sustainable muscle capable of lifting us up and keeping us up is our brain. We can develop our arm muscles, have large pectoral muscles and sizable glutes but none of those will lift us onto our feet with more sustainability than our brain. The way to get this power into our brain and build this muscle is to know God’s Word line for line, precept by precept. Memorizing God’s Words not only gives us the power to lift ourselves up it has the power to keep us up. Planting Scriptures in our brain and using the power now in our mouth to push us off the ground is the most effective way to get up and stay up. It takes effort to memorize Scripture but it is the only way to sustain the power to walk away from temptation and make the devil flee. Start small by memorizing the smallest verse, “Jesus wept!” then move onto something bigger. One day you will be able to memorize full Psalms. When we affectively start using God’s Words to fight the Devil we will spend more and more time on our feet and less time on the ground breaking in the Devils dust.

Our Work does not go Unrewarded

Fear not because Elohim is faithful to reward us with the crown of life for those who love Him and endure the testing through trials (James 1:12). Knowing God’s character and memorizing His Words will never go unrewarded. The reward for this lifetime is going more and more times without breathing dirt but in the next life the crown of life. That crown is your ticket into the New Jerusalem where God is our light, the road is made of gold and we will be with Jesus every day for eternity. This is my prayer for you and for me so let us be overcomers that we may be found in the Lambs Book of Life and go into the City.