Don’t Do it because God is!

For a long time Jesus has revealed my future to me yet it is beyond my reach not only physically and mentally but financially too. He has been getting my heart and mind ready but that future is still way beyond my reach. The more I try to visualize it the more beyond my reach it gets. As I dream of it or try to touch it the image gets more blurred and untouchable. Every now and then when I am taking my personal time with Jesus He reminds me of this still so untouchable future. It is in that constant reaching that I learn I still have so much to learn about God’s Word. Each time I look at it I am struck by how much information is contained in one word let alone one sentence. The Bible is one long sentence with each Word dependent on the next and the last. How vast is the Word of God? Isaiah 55 verses 8-11 have hit me right in the forehead at last. I sit in my own little world trying to think up ways to do what God told me He was doing when all along He was already doing it! I know He is doing it because He is beginning to show me the seed that He has laid in other women’s hearts as well. They are the same seeds in the sambehind the trees rim10e yard as mine. He sees His work from Heaven all at once while I cannot even see past the tree in my own back yard but I know on the other side of that tree is His creation and I want to see it so I reach for it but it is still to far. Other seeds need to be planted.

When He planted this seed in me He knew exactly how far He could push me without encouragement before I would give up. He knew exactly what I needed to learn and teaches me just enough to keep me searching. He knew how many years I would go without yielding fruit before a lack of fruit would cause me to cut off my own branches when He miraculously would produce fruit on a dead tree. I previously heard stories of others doing what Jesus has planted in me making me sad, angry and frustrated but now I am encouragement by it for if He is doing it there surely He will do it here! He has caused this dream to stay alive in this barren land called me so that I know what He is doing. I need to stop trying to do what God told me He would do! The works that He has revealed to me are His Works what I need to reveal is my willingness to work with Him!

Action Plan: God’s revealed work to you is His work – go this week and practice staying out of His work and doing the work He has assigned for you to do.