Day by Day

There is no better story than the story of Jesus. He, not only told us to live in the world, but live in the Kingdom of God as well. The next best story is the story of our life. Our life should emulate the life of Jesus so let us combine our life with the life of Jesus. The story of His life should match the story of our life, minus one thing; the knowledge of God. We must grow in the knowledge of God, so we can hear what the Father says to us and do what we see Him doing. This is always easier said than done, but let us at least attempt it every day in our life. We will join the story of the gathering of a group of Christians already in progress.

A group of Christians were pondering the need to pay taxes to the government that was corrupt beyond measure. They talked with each other and prayed about their feelings when one of them was reminded, by the Holy Spirit, about a story Jesus was involved in. He relayed the story to the Christians about how Jesus was being test, just as they were, to go against the government. “Jesus didn’t gall for it so neither will we,” he said to the group. They all agreed together as one and paid their taxes. They gathered themselves into Christ on this day and did what they were supposed to do to leave a legacy of righteousness so when the fulness of time comes, they will be missed by all those they have touched. They are going to be gathered together by Christ on earth today and in heaven later. It won’t hurt them to bring a little heaven to the earth while they are here.

The legacy they will leave is the prayer and supplication they have sent up to the ears of God for their brethren and their neighbourhoods. They thanked God for the government and all they do to keep them safe as well as all the people who have crossed their path over the years. They pledged to be accountable for each other in the coming years that they would not put the world in front of Jesus nor their brethren. The Lord will be their Shepherd through all time until the end of time as they know it. They know they will walk a path not sanctioned by Jesus, but they have each other and Jesus to reason with as they find their way back. They have scarlet gowns they will put on sometimes, but Jesus will wash it clean in our repentance.

On their knees before the Lord, His thundering voice always appears. They do not comprehend the wonders of the Lord sometimes, but they trust Him to provide for them daily as they follow the path set out for them. Still on their knees, they beg the Lord to help them love Him more than they love the world. They ask if the lusts of the world would be removed from them that they would love His people more. They want what He has. He is willing to give it, day by day.

Romans 13:6; Ephesians 1:9-10; 1 Timothy 2:1-2; Joshua 24:15; Isaiah 1:18;  Job 37:5-6; 1 John 2:15-16