The White Picket Fence

The White Picket Fence; Crown for Life Pursue Biblical Boundaries
Written by Kathleen Derbyshire
Life is filled with decisions we must make. Are we saying yes when we should be saying no? Why do we find it so difficult to say no when it is warranted? When should we say yes?
"Biblical Goals setting and implementation Expert" Kathleen Derbyshire introduces a new way to illuminate this issue in our lives, then eliminate it. Her masterful use of fictional stories that intertwine with real life lead us through a process of discovery that is unique and encouraging. Her white picket fence analogy for boundaries give women a visual they won't soon forget.

Purchase, The White Picket Fence, in Canadian Funds
Kathleen is a Canadian girl living in Canada land. If you wish to purchase the with Canadian funds you have two choices. Amazon Canada by clicking the flag to purchase a paper copy or the Kindle Version or you can purchase it directly from Kathleen if you live in the Windsor/Essex County area.

Purchase, The White Picket Fence, in American Funds
Although Kathleen lives in Canada the American border is less than 6 miles from where she lives. She loves her American neighbours and used to work for GM in the Warren. Click the American Flag to got to You can get the Kindle version here as well.

Review of The White Picket Fence in BizX Magazine
Marlene Markham-Gay read and reviewed The White Picket Fence and said, "It is very encouraging and inspirational. Establishing boundaries in our life is very important, especially for women." Click the BizX Logo to access the article.

Why should you buy, The White Picket Fence?
Today, you will be able to follow five women working through the process of creating Biblical Boundaries in their lives. Afterword you can go through the The White Picket Fence Instruction to work through the process for yourself.
There is no better feeling then finding the power to be able to get your mind and body into submission with the power of God. ALL things work out for the good to those who love our Jesus (Romans 8:28).
I honestly hope that you are blessed by the women in this book and blessed by the Instructions at the end. Please let me know if you have been affected by this book and what you have been freed from as a result. Email me at